View Full Version : Here I go again - heart this time

30-10-13, 10:44
I haven't posted on here since earlier this year when I was suffering from more generalised anxiety. I've had a really stressful year with lots of worries. If I'm stressed it usually comes out as HA and my usual obsession is cancer, but I've been ok with this for a while.

About 8 or 9 months ago I started worrying about my heart after I began to get 'heart thuds'. That's how I describe them anyway - not fluttery palpitations but just a single thud in my chest or throat that is sometimes quite gentle, sometimes more powerful. Sometimes I get a few in quick succession. I've never had these before in my life and although it scared me and I began thinking about them a lot, I didn't worry too much at first as I didn't have any symptoms such as chest pain etc.

After a whle, I noticed that i got them more after eating, if I had indigestion, if I laughed a lot (!?) or with even just mild exertion like walking up a hill. So I now avoid eating too much, laughing too much or any kind of physical exertion - not good!

Recently I have started to check my pulse a lot and have always found it to be within normal ranges - usually between 65 and 80 bpm. My heart doesn't race but sometimes feels as though it's pounding and I can often feel it in my neck.

I'm 56 but reasonably healthy i suppose. I don't smoke but do enjoy a regular glass of wine. My worse problem is that I have a very sedantary job, get little excercise and enjoy cake! So because I was starting to worry, as a precaution during a routine visit to the nurse at my GP practice a couple of months ago, I asked her to check me out for diabetes, high cholesterol and blood pressure as I have a family history of all three plus my father and his parents all had strokes. Everything was normal and she did a calculation which assessed my risk of a heart attack in the next few years as low - 3%. I didn't mention the heart huds.

Recently (past week or so) I have started to feel a bit light headed and my chest feels quite tight. I also have vague aches and pains in my neck and chest area (which is quite common for me as I have a neck problem which affects my chest somtimes)

Now I have started to get really obsessive, checking my pulse constantly and googling. My worry is will drop dead of a heart attack or stroke or have some kind of chronic, incurable heart problem.

I have been putting off going to my GP as I am embarrassed about my health anxiety. Most things I see him about end up being anxiety related and I worry he will dread me walking in his surgery again. Having said that, I haven't been to the surgery since February so perhaps that's not too bad?

Because it has got to the stage where my family have noticed my anxiety/low mood, I have made an appointment for this afternoon and am absolutely dreading it. I don't know what I fear the most - him telling me I'm ok or sending me for further tests.

Really would appreciate some reassurance/advice/kind words from someone in a similar position. :unsure:

30-10-13, 12:00
Hi there, i hope your appointment goes well for you, let us know how you get on, it's a great step for you seeing as you have not been to the surgery since Feb infact thats extremley good, ive been DRs so many times this year with Health Anxiety.

Least you have had the tests to confirm that everythings ok with blood pressure etc.
I too get heart thuds, thats because my adreline is going crazy and im very stressful, i am sure you will be ok, talk to your dr about how you are feeling, they wont think bad of you, thats what they are there for xx

30-10-13, 12:23
Thanks for replying becksfan86. My GP isn't the most engaging person I've ever met (think, Doc Martin - not abusive like him but just as grumpy/formal) so that's partly why I don't like to go.

I've just looked at my past posts and realised I posted on here in July about this same thing. I hadn't remebered but I got some very helpful advice then. Now I'm starting to worry about forgetfulness!

But the other point is that the reassurance/advice obviously hasn't worked as I can't even remember getting it. Surely a lesson to be learned there.

I need to give myself a good talking to I think! :blush:

30-10-13, 12:35
Yep you do need to give yourself a good talking too :) lol
let me know how you get on x

30-10-13, 19:54
How did you get on?

02-11-13, 01:16
Well I went to see the GP two days ago and it was exactly as I expected. He listened to my heart and checked my blood pressure and said I seemed fine, but referred me for an ECG, which I've not had yet.
My BP seemed a bit high to me - 140/80. Thinking all my symptoms may be down to anxiety and being unfit, I asked him if it was ok to start doing some exercise to see if this helps but he said not till ECG results back - which worried me. My doctor is a bit abrupt and doesn't ever engage in any kind of discussion or elaborate on anything, so I didn't ask him anything else.

My symptoms went away for a day after that but this afternoon they all came back. No palpitations at moment but tight chest, mild ache in upper/centre of chest, breathless on exertion etc. Earlier I checked my pulse and it was 87. I went to bed but had to get up again as I felt horrible and panicky. Now it's the middle of the night and I'm sitting downstairs on my own worrying again.
I am convinced I have angina or some kind of heart defect and I will have a heart attack. I also don't think the ECG results (assuming they're ok) will reassure me as I've hear they give very limited information.

I really am struggling (as usual) to convince myself that this is just panic/health anxiety. What on earth am I going to do with myself?:shrug:
