View Full Version : JUST AFTER I WAKE UP FEELING FINE .........

02-11-06, 23:58
I wonder if any you other lovely forum members get this and if you do - any suggestions.

I often wake up after a good nights sleep feeling like I could really conquer the world. I feel totally normal and relaxed just like I used to be and I really saviour the brief interlude. But ... about 10 - 15 minutes later I get one or other of my symptoms suddenly jump on me from nowhere and totally mess my day up.


03-11-06, 01:14
i don't usually feel really great when i wake up, but i usually feel ok, and then i say, "well since i feel ok, i can indulge myself a bit and check out what google has to say about __" and often this completely ruins everything. but i can't repress these anxieties through distraction, just say i'd prefer to do something else.. the point is to get to the problem at the base, which probably has to do with my life and psychology in general at the moment, then i won't have the thoughts to repress in the first place.

03-11-06, 01:15
i don't usually feel really great when i wake up, but i usually feel ok, and then i say, "well since i feel ok, i can indulge myself a bit and check out what google has to say about __" and often this completely ruins everything. but i can't repress these anxieties through distraction, just say i'd prefer to do something else.. the point is to get to the problem at the base, which probably has to do with my life and psychology in general at the moment, then i won't have the thoughts to repress in the first place.

03-11-06, 08:51
I usually have a few seconds or minutes when I wake up and feel fine - normal even! - and then my mind kicks in and tells me I'm not supposed to feel like this, and I get all anxious again! I hate the mornings, they are the worst, once I'm up and about I feel better again.

piglits pal
03-11-06, 08:58
Me too.

I wake up and then after a couple of seconds the anxiety hits me. Once I'm up and moving it gradually diminishes through the day. How long it takes depends on how anxious I am. Sometimes I'm good by 10am, sometimes it lingers till around 4pm. Rarely does it go the whole day though.

Mornings are the worst.:(

04-11-06, 09:47
YEP me too, getting busy definately helps!!!

04-11-06, 12:35
Hi John,

Yes I know what you mean. I had a great nights sleep and woke up feeling really good and its now lunchtime and I feel crap already lol. Oh the joys of anxiety eh.

Take Care
