View Full Version : Coming of them recently

30-10-13, 11:52
Hi all

I have been on Clitronpam for 3.5 years now. It got to the stage I was nearly upping my dose to 40mg. My dreams were getting worse and I was feeling terrible all the time.

I told the dr I wanted to come of them so I decreased my dose over the last 3 weeks.

I felt awful head zaps dizziness like I was going to faint all the time.

I felt sick t the stomach I did not know who I was anymore. I stayed with it and eventually after 4 weeks my zaps have decreased but are still there the dr said they may take anything up too 8 weeks to subside.

Some days I feel like I will never be me as before I went on them I used to dis the fact that I was to strong to go on them as all my problems I put aside and concentrated on my children forgot about me big mistake it all hit me at once everything that had happened in my life and I needed them more than anything.

I feel sometimes now im not myself. I get irritated and feel bad tempered like I have a short fuse sometimes. I feel guilty straight after this still not sure if this is another side affect can anyone elaborate.

I feel sometimes I can look in the mirror and see my old self come back if that makes sense.

I informed my employers of me coming of them just in case I was irritable at work. They were great and said they had not noticed any changes in me. I feel now like I dunno who I am anymore and why am I not that strong person I was before I took them. I had a drink last week and I got all sentimental and started feeling sorry for myself. I soon realised it was the drink and not me.

I feel irritable, someone time sim me and sometimes im not. I feel anxious that maybe I need to be back on them but getting on and taken each day as it comes. Yes I had thoughts of self harming coming of them I was told it was completely normal for me to have feelings like this. Its the drug coming out my head and not keeping me sustained in a chemical lbalance.

Time will tell whether or not I am be able to come of them successfully. I have asked for counselling but the waiting list is long. I was discharged from the army with PTSD and other traumatic events in my life put me on these in the first place.

I as speaking have just had a zap but they are no were near what they were like 3 weeks ago. I am starting to look forward to things now and thinking as positive as I can. I have asked my children to bear with me and this should not last much longer I hope.

To everyone out there coming of them its a hard battled but if your determined enough you can do it. I wanted to be myself again after 3.5 weeks now I can see the old me coming back the positive me and sometimes I feel negative. Take each day as it comes and just focus on the end goal coming of the tablets altogether.