View Full Version : Operation and worry

30-10-13, 12:50

I have an operation on Monday and I have a new worry. I keep reading up that if you are ill they will not operate. I have built myself up for so long that can not risk not having it done. Its for a hernia. However now I have a bit of a sore throat and feel weird. I am not leaving work and am sick of this paranoi. I work in a call centre and keep thinking im going to get things. I also was meant to have my daughter till Sunday but her brother has got tonsilitis so have put it off until next week just in case? Is this sensible?

30-10-13, 13:29
I know nothing about hernia operations willous.
When I was told I was to have an op a few years ago they said not to go near anyone with a cold, and don't let anyone in the house who has a cold either.
It's a problem ,but think of yourself:hugs:

30-10-13, 15:43
Thanks for reply. The person next to me has been coughing all day for the last couple of days where I work and im getting more paranoid by the second. Should I come back into work as in until Friday. I am now going to have daughter next weekend although feel bad.

---------- Post added at 14:13 ---------- Previous post was at 13:47 ----------

Im making myself sick and sure I will be ill on Monday. I cant take this for 5 days.

---------- Post added at 15:43 ---------- Previous post was at 14:13 ----------


30-10-13, 20:52
My throats feeling funny. Strange how happened after started worrying bout it. Feels like need to do little cough every now and then. Could it be anxiety

30-10-13, 21:37
An anaesthetist will assess you before the op. If you have any respiratory symptoms they are not happy with, the op will be rearranged. It is common for things to be rearranged and nothing to be concerned about.

31-10-13, 01:59
But could anxiety cause this as started when thought about it? Thanks for reply

31-10-13, 09:55
I'm really making myself I'll. I've woken up with a slight stuffy nose and sore throat. If I take loads of stuff I may be better for Monday but cannot afford to put off op

---------- Post added at 09:55 ---------- Previous post was at 07:13 ----------

Please can someone help. At work the person next to has been diagnosed with tonsititis. We work in a call centre. I dont know what to do. Is it likely I will get it. I need this op.

31-10-13, 18:02
Hi, how are you feeling now?

Sniffles and vague sore throat come and go and mostly don't develop into anything. Lots of people coughing in my office but nobody is really ill. If you had chest infection that is different, you would definately feel ill.

Anxiety certainly can cause symptoms. Tonsillitis is unlikely in anyone who doesn't have a tendency for it.

It's not long until Monday, take care of yourself over the next couple of days. Not sure there is much you can do to treat/prevent anything, but being stressed doesn't help and treating yourself a bit is a good idea.

If surgery was cancelled for every slight cold, our theatres would be empty. Ultimately, it's down to the anaesthetist on the day.

Good luck, hope it goes ahead for you.

31-10-13, 20:12
Thank you for your reply. Appreciate it so much. Went to doctors who said my throat looks fine. He gave me some diazepam. Your right, they don't just cancel operations for everything and I don't think it's likely to get tonsilitis. Even though girl
Sits next to me. I don't get close to her or hug etc? Just so worried all the time? I sat away from her today. I feel bad but had to do it. I just want Monday to come.

01-11-13, 10:59
I am so anxious- I feel a bit of pain under my armpit when I poke around and also my neck at front near throat. I feel a bit sick as well and I never feel sick.

01-11-13, 12:03
I feel a bit sick as well and I never feel sick.

This entire thread is about feeling sick ;) Good Luck Monday!

01-11-13, 18:24
Don't poke! I know it must be hard and I don't have HA.

You are so nearly there and the chances are everything will go according to plan. If you have anxiety about the procedure that is normal. Are you going home the same day or staying overnight?

Is there anything you can do to distract yourself this weekend? If you want to stay at home to avoid infection, boxset or something to hold your attention and lose yourself in?

01-11-13, 21:27
It's day surgery which is good. Have had ops before which are what started the health anxiety along with other things. Sounds silly buy not worrying about op as will be asleep but it's before that and the anaesthetic. I am going to chill this weekend and have got diazepam to help me calm.

01-11-13, 22:56
Xx slightly different but I've got medical proceedures looming to - pregnant!

Driving me to dispair.

Thinking of u

02-11-13, 14:57
Thank you Col. I would hate to my a woman with pregnancy and everything else. Saying that, when my wife was given birth it was her asking me if I was okay! I just keep thinking about Monday now and fear the part they put the candular in most.

02-11-13, 15:44
Gosh I'll remember that your wife's very brave.

Ahh isn't it awful when you know something unpleasant is heading your way especially for those of us with anxiety issues already.:hugs:

02-11-13, 20:33
Yep. I've now got a slightly blocked nose and a bit of my throat on my neck is sore (swollen) surely they won't cancel an op for that?

03-11-13, 10:18
Would say still do op with minor cold. I'm being sick with worry today

---------- Post added at 10:18 ---------- Previous post was at 07:22 ----------

I've got blocked nose and ear a bit miffed. Anyone help. I'm beside myself with worry about op as it is

03-11-13, 10:27
Please don't take this the wrong way Willous as it is said, knowing what you are going through, but you must realise that constantly posting on here for reassurance isn't productive and there reaches a point where no one can say anything further to reassure you.

You must also realise that your concerns are disproportionate, not insignificant, but disproportionate in so much as I think that everyone would be a little concerned, but you take concern to a different level. With this in mind I really think you should invest time in trying to move the focus of your attention away from attempting to rationalise and mitigate the things you cannot control (I.e. Whether an operation will be cancelled) and focus attention on what you can (I.e. The disproportionately aversive reaction to the uncertainty).

I have been away for a week and taken an enforced break from this board and in honesty that has been good for me. It has been good for me to realise that no amount of reassurance from this board will ever tackle the underlying issue which is anxiety, and until the point at which this is tackled you will be forever tail chasing and in a heightened state of anxiety.

You only have to look objectively at some of the posts by the same people on here that flit from cancer to aneurysm to heart disease to all things in between in a matter of moments.

03-11-13, 11:21
Willous- take one step at a time , that's what I'm trying to do. NO matter what anyone says, constructive or reassuring u, will not ultimately change the way you feel deep inside!

So try eating/resting today, u have to have the op BUT if u are unwell and have suspected virus, the medics wont risk u being unwell b4 an op. That's standard proceedure.

Take each part of the next day or 2 in bits, your not at the hospital just yet, so try as hard as it is to relax:hugs:

03-11-13, 11:42
I appreciate your replies and no what you been but this site helps me so much. If I have a cold, shall I just cancel? I keep reading different things.

03-11-13, 11:55
I appreciate your replies and no what you been but this site helps me so much. If I have a cold, shall I just cancel? I keep reading different things.

You should go regardless and allow the doctors to make that call. Good luck tomorrow!

03-11-13, 12:43
Okay, gonna relax a bit. Will the person checking me know from looking at me and temp etc whether it's okay to go ahead or not? Surely lots of people have common cold at moment?

03-11-13, 13:15
Okay, gonna relax a bit.

Then do it :)

03-11-13, 13:26
They will probably be able to tell by your temperature if you are too ill to go ahead. If they have any doubts they may need to do a blood test.

Hope the relax helped!

03-11-13, 13:50
I am really starting to think of not going I feel like I'm in a big black hole

03-11-13, 14:12

The title of your thread is "Operation and Worry"

Throughout this thread, you've spoken about a possible illness preventing you from having the surgery in an obvious attempt to divert and mask your fear which is the surgery itself. You know it. Surgery is scary, even minor surgery, so it's understandable. However, apparently, you need this procedure to correct some physical issues. It's not going to be fun but you'll get through it just fine.

The bottom line is you're going to do what you want to do regardless of what anyone here says.

Good luck in whatever you decide.

03-11-13, 14:57
Thanks. Just want it done with. I am gonna take diazepam and rest today. My cold is not bad so hoping it's okay. Has anyone had day surgery. My wife is putting me at ease my saying you go in, sleep wake up better and go home. Hopefully that's all.[COLOR="blue"]

03-11-13, 16:32
Bit harsh a few comments above, this individual is clearly in distress. Although I agree that no matter what anyone says willows will do what he wants at the end of day, but there's no need to be so blunt.

Just try relax, go tomorrow let docs decide & let them know how u feel.

Take care

03-11-13, 17:01
good luck with your op, willous, you go for it. my father had the same op a few months ago, day surgery too. it went well. couple of days discomfort after and then really .... everything was absolutely fine. you do need the procedure so you go for it. imagine how proud of yourself you will feel afterwards. we'll all be thinking about you. it really helps me if i'm in a difficult situation to remember my nmp friends. here are some friends to take with you who will look after you. you can even take these in there with you......:wub: :wub: :grouphug: :grouphug: :wub: :wub: :grouphug: :grouphug: :wub: :wub: :grouphug: :grouphug:

03-11-13, 17:17
Tessar, that's what I needed. Thank you so so much. The worse bit is the thinking about it. I will be asleep then when I wake it will be all done. Gonna go for it and not worry now. Sean

03-11-13, 21:14
Cheers Sean, I am very pleased to have helped you. I will be thinking if you tomorrow. Don't forget to take your little smilie friends and hugs with you :-)

04-11-13, 06:32
Looking forward to hearing that the op went ahead and it is all behind you.

04-11-13, 06:51
Thank you everyone. I'm full of cold this morning but no temp so hopefully will all go ahead. Going to just keep my mind of it:

04-11-13, 07:26
Hi willows just read your post I get all them symptoms just when I've got doctors appointment it's all just stress I'm sure I know what you feel like try not to worry that's what making you have these feelings all will be fine they will make sure you are fit for operation and you always have a word with a nice nurse and say how worried you are they will put your mind at rest , all will be well x

05-11-13, 07:16
Hi everyone my op was fine . I had op at 1 and was leaving for home at 3.30 . I was in bits before hand And at one point was going to leave but made it. Thank you so much for all replies. I am in pain this morning but to be expected.
I have been up all night with a stupid fear. I hope no one judges me as I am a cleanliness freak but a couple of weeks ago found a threadworm in a stool. I got medication to take but haven't done yet as I haven't seen more. I have a toddler but may have eaten something. I'm scared of infection to mesh. If I did still have any worms could they get to just above groin where repair was done and infect mesh or do they live elsewhere. Surely doc would know if there were any there when he did op. Does this make sense. So sorry for random message but would do anything for reply

05-11-13, 07:33
Col I disagree. One thing I've noticed on the health anxiety sub-forum is the amount of pandering re signs and symptoms of illnesses and diseases.

There are far too many people using this site that are simply looking for someone to say 'there there, you're not in the slightest bit ill' in order that they can be temporarily reassured only to then start looking for some other sign or symptom of impending doom.

That is the nature of the illness but that doesn't mean we should treat folks with kid gloves. I don't think anyone is mean or shows ill will, though I do see a few folks (me included) being honest and direct. Constantly reassuring people is not helping the. To deal with their anxiety, it simply stokes it and perpetrates the horrible cycle.

Being kind and honest is far better. Maybe people can't handle it but let's face it, most on here are exhausted with fear and worry, so better they're given a shove towards reality, one that may well lead them to a recovery from anxiety.

Willous - apologies for hijacking :) As for your question re has anyone had day surgery, yes, once. I was fine. Nervous prior to the procedure but I was totally ok, as you will be. Deep breaths, face into the wind and get it over and done with. You will feel great once you're home, the issue dealt with and behind you.

---------- Post added at 07:33 ---------- Previous post was at 07:27 ----------

Ohhhh Willous ... First of all well done (I was writing my reply whilst you were letting us know you were fine). Glad you're home and feeling better.

Second ... can you see what you've just done. You've gone through the op, the thing that you've been fearing, and now it's over you've immediately latched onto the next worry.

Are you being treated for anxiety? I think you need to focus your energy on healing from that, as you will simply continue with this persistent cycle ad infinatum.

I'd also advise you to speak to your doctor about the threadworm. They're the ones qualified to help and advise in these matters, though I'm perfectly sure that you are not in any danger.

05-11-13, 08:04
Thank you for reply. After this heals a bit I am going to properly get treated for anxiety because there is always something? I am with my wife all day today and cannot call doctors about this threadworm thing. Going to take the medication today. I am just scared it could affect the op but why would it?

05-11-13, 08:09
It won't. You just don't want to believe that it won't, because you're ill with anxiety disorder. It's one of the symptoms of the illness - intrusive thoughts, negativity, always searching and researching, tuning in to every last little twinge or ache in your body, becoming hyper- sensitive, the list goes on.

How about you do make that appointment and get your life back on track, and also research health anxiety? Try and figure out where you're at with it, and think about ways and means that you can employ in order to get well?

05-11-13, 08:56
Yep I need to. Doctors won't listen though. My last doctor refused to see me once. I have read books and been to speak to people but nothing has worked. I feel like giving up sometimes and my Wife does not understand. I'm now sure I'm going to get an infection on mesh and can't stop thinking about it. I just constantly cry and have lost 2 jobs in two years through this anxiety. Sorry for rant but at a point where I know I have to do something or I may just give up.

---------- Post added at 08:56 ---------- Previous post was at 08:15 ----------

Waiting for doctors to call, will they tells over phone if ok

05-11-13, 08:59
ANDRIA - completely agree with U:yesyes: But sometimes when u know someone is clearly distressed, sometimes neither tactic works! I think in that moment we have to relate to ourselves & sometimes I find it very difficult to be direct to someone who clearly is very upset by a situation. TBH i seriously could do with a very very hard slap, when I panic , Im horrendous. NO matter what anyone says I do not listen. That doesnt mean to say my hubby, brother, friend would do that, to snap me out of it!

Yep your right some people seem to do their best to convince themselves they have a serious health issue & merely want attention! BUT this was an operation , worrying at the best of times for most individuals, willows wasn't just sat moaning about a spot on his forehead & convincing himself its cancer! In my opinion I could feel through his thread his distress & just felt a couple of comments were a bit harsh.

And just like a minority of individuals on this and other forums merely seek attention, SOME individuals do their upmost to provoke an argument or a reaction. I joined NMP 2011 & I've seen it on here , many, many times.

Glad that's over with Willous, rest up & keep warm.

05-11-13, 09:03
Thank you col, you really don't know how much I appreciate your replies.

05-11-13, 09:24

05-11-13, 12:09
Doctors called back and he was very nice. I explained that had op and was worried about the threadworm thing and if they have come back, could they infect wound. Instead of brushing it to one side he explained where the where would be and how they work. He explained that it is more common than people think and the eggs could easily be at child's nursery etc and hard to rid of. I still worry even about that but does anyone else think it's stupid me thinking it could affect where hernia was repaired. I really need help. By this afternoon I will be onto next thing once this worry has gone.

05-11-13, 12:50
So glad you go through the op ok. Please try not to worry.
I remember having a tooth extraction two days before my operation, I was concerned about that-- but was ok.
As for the thread worm the chemist has remedies for that if needed:hugs::hugs:

05-11-13, 13:08

Congrats on going through with your surgery. I knew you would make out fine :) Now heal and seek out treatment for your HA. You owe it to yourself and your wife.

05-11-13, 13:11
Thank you, I have a tablet to take today. Scared to go toilet because of hernia. I hate this. Though to be fair, it's nice to have some time off work. I never rest any
More? Though day time tv does not do much for me. I admire people that go through treatments for things so so much. There is me moaning about this and I feel so bad but yesterday was horrific for me to the point I couldn't cope.

05-11-13, 13:40
you did really well Sean, well done!!!! I am very proud of you. Hopefully you feel proud of yourself too; you deserve to because despite your fears you did go through with it.

05-11-13, 16:01
Thank you Tessar, appreciate it.

---------- Post added at 14:20 ---------- Previous post was at 13:44 ----------

Is it normal for where the big plaster is to be itchy? I keep worrying it's going to get infected? But if it's covered should it be okay?

---------- Post added at 14:55 ---------- Previous post was at 14:20 ----------

I also can't stand straight without agonising pain. Is this normal

---------- Post added at 16:01 ---------- Previous post was at 14:55 ----------

Can anyone help.

05-11-13, 16:09
Willlous you are fine ... maybe it was day surgery but you've still been knocked out and messed around with. You'll be SORE chicken, so expect to feel sore! And plasters can irritate the skin, so it's 'no biggie', ok?

Go have a rest, calm down, chill, but try to stop allowing your imagination from running amok.

05-11-13, 17:02
Going to try but my mind just doesn't let the negative thoughts out.

05-11-13, 17:08
Going to try but my mind just doesn't let the negative thoughts out.

Hey Willous,

With all due respect... log off the computer, take a pain pill, put a movie on and chillax for a while. You're feeding your anxiety here ;)

Feel Better! :)

05-11-13, 18:42
Good advice there!

Glad it's all done, you went through with it, brilliant.

They will have given you painkillers, make full use of them, it is what they are for, post operative pain.

The doctor has explained how it is not possible for threadworms to affect the op site. If you want to take the tablet another day you can when you are more comfortable.

Relax, you did great.

06-11-13, 09:02
Hi everyone, feeling a bit more mobile today and a little more relaxed. I am still worried about everything but that's just me. When they say infection which is on the leaflet do they mean in small cases. And as it's got a cover over plus stitched I can't accidentally infect it can I? Sorry but feeling better and just wondering if anyone can answer. Also I need the loo but so scared to strain. Last time I had it I had loads of swelling but this time nothing. Surely a good sign.

06-11-13, 09:40
Willous drink lots of water. Eat fruit - not bananas but oranges and peaches, apricots. The point being that you're ensuring there's plenty of moisture in your bowel in order to keep your stools really soft - that way no straining.

Hope that's not TMI by the way. And glad you're felling a bit better. And stop dwelling on infection and ... health stuff. Give yourself a break and try have a relaxing, fear free day :)

06-11-13, 09:49
What's tmi?

---------- Post added at 09:49 ---------- Previous post was at 09:47 ----------

Oh I see ha, thank you. I need to stop worrying now. Going to read today. Do you think that with the big plaster thing that that would cover infection plus it's stitched anyway. And it's been two days?

06-11-13, 10:32
Yep. You'll be fine. And even if you got an infection it's easily treated. But you won't because you're so vigilant Willous. Go relax, you're ok :)

06-11-13, 11:02
Rest and relax willous:hugs::hugs::hugs:

06-11-13, 18:30
Thank for replies. I will try and rest. I keep crying for no reason and I don't usually get like this, just anxious.

---------- Post added at 18:30 ---------- Previous post was at 15:06 ----------

Does Anyone here just feel really low whenever something worries you. I still can't go to the loo and have a couple of pains on both sides of legs and don't know whT I'm worrying about but just feel sad, really sad.

06-11-13, 18:46
It's entirely normal to be emotional after surgery. Any surgery, just because modern methods mean we can go home the same day, it is still a stress for body and mind. It will pass. And much better than staying in hospital for days!

Post op infection is rare and if it happens it is easily sorted. They will have given you a number to call if you have any concerns, eg if your temp went up.

Try to relax and make the most of your time off work. You will feel better each day, indulge yourself a bit.

---------- Post added at 18:46 ---------- Previous post was at 18:39 ----------

If you are having trouble going to the loo you could ask for advice on some gentle 'help'. It's scary to do after giving birth too!

Aches and pains are common, you have been through surgery, fixed position etc.

Are you on your own, is there anyone to come and keep you company for a while?

06-11-13, 19:00
My Wife is here but we have young twins and she has never been great with my anxiety as she has no time for it. I just want to go into a hole and come out normal. I can't cope but feel bad as people go through serious things all the time. I judge everything like on my bandage had some blood and keep wondering if there's more on it now. Would it be different colour if infected. Why do I do this?

06-11-13, 19:22
Willous you do it because you're ill with anxiety disorder/HA. It's as simple as that.

What's not simple is you recognising and then dealing with it.

06-11-13, 19:24
I know I have a real problem with it but always let the what ifs get to me. I have tried to distract myself today but does not work. People on here have been good to talk to though.

06-11-13, 19:36
Willous please get yourself the right kind of treatment, help and support for your anxiety. Your life will only improve once you've attended to dealing with the illness that you do have.

You really don't need to live this awful, exhausting half life, honest :hugs:

06-11-13, 19:38
I hope so, I actually cannot go on like this. I really really can't. I scared.

06-11-13, 19:42
Will you don't need to be. You just need to go and speak to your doctor about how to start recovering from your anxiety. You really must. It's nothing to be ashamed of, it's an illness like any other, and you need a proper diagnosis and help and support.

06-11-13, 19:47
I've tried so many things and so many times. Have read books,been to counceling and tried different meds but nothing helps. Sometimes I honestly think I'm just one of the ones they can't help. My last doctor refused to speak to me once. I would do anything to be normal...anything.

06-11-13, 20:10
You need a different doctor. A different approach towards recovery. Every one is us us different Willous. I might find that a combo of counselling and CBT do the trick, along with the correct meds. On the other hand maybe I'll do better with hypnotherapy, who knows?

My point being that you obviously haven't found what works for you. Consider changing doctors. Don't give up on yourself.

06-11-13, 20:17
Hey there Willous,

I've been accused of being a little rough on you and I do apologize if I come off that way. It's just that I feel it's the only way I can get through. Man to man, I don't need to treat you with kid gloves if you know what I mean. I don't have to tell you I've been through some crap in my life and when push comes to shove you have to fight for what you want. Time to fight!

You're an adult. Married with kids. You their sake and for yours you HAVE to buck up and get to work. It starts with truly wanting to get better and I believe that to be the case.

Go to your doctor, tell him flat out you have severe HA and need help. Get referrals, do what you have to do to get on the road to wellness. Your family needs you man!

You said you would do anything to be normal... "anything". Actions speak louder than words. Put up or shut up time ;)

We got your back here Ok?

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

I wanted to add something that may help give you some perspective. This may be helpful for anyone here and especially those that have young children. There was an exercise I learned years ago that applies here.

Imagine your children being threatened. It could be by a kidnapper or a robber or any situation that puts them in danger. As a parent you would do anything, even give your life to protect them. I know with my children it is that way. Well, your anxiety is threatening them. It's threatening to make their life less than it could be by taking you away from them. Those times when you're worrying takes away from them and your family. As a father or a mother you would do anything to protect them and make them happy wouldn't you? So what's stopping you from taking the steps to treat your anxiety?

You can be cured! At the very least you can get your symptoms under control. You may be being held hostage by your anxiety but don't allow it to take your children, wife, husband or family hostage. You would fight to keep your family safe wouldn't you? The fight starts with freeing yourself! Anxiety is an illness. It's no different than some of the diseases you fear the most. In fact, it's worse than some as it does the same thing by robbing you of quality of life. If indeed you would happen to be diagnosed with a disease you feared, would you not fight it with all you had in you? What's stopping you from fighting your anxiety?

Perhaps this is something to think about the next time a niggle turns into a fear and cripples you for days.

As one who knows how fragile and short this life can be, I truly wish you and everyone the very best life has to offer. It's much to short to fill it with worry and fear.

Positive thoughts and prayers

Good Luck!

07-11-13, 10:00
ThNk you for that and I will take on board especially once I start feeling better. I had terrible night sweats last night, what could that be?

---------- Post added at 07:10 ---------- Previous post was at 07:04 ----------

I've never felt like this, like there's no light. No matter what I try I just see darkness. If mesh was affected would I see stuff by wound

---------- Post added at 07:48 ---------- Previous post was at 07:10 ----------

I've checked my temp and it's 38 I truly want to die

---------- Post added at 08:00 ---------- Previous post was at 07:48 ----------

I'm sure I have a mesh infection I want to die I really do

---------- Post added at 08:36 ---------- Previous post was at 08:00 ----------

My wife hates me I have taken tablets but temp won't go down I really could die now

---------- Post added at 09:05 ---------- Previous post was at 08:36 ----------

I just spoke to where had it done and she said infection was uncommon but when I said temp not coming down with meds she said go doctors

---------- Post added at 10:00 ---------- Previous post was at 09:05 ----------

My wife has just bought a mouth temp machine and it says 35.7 don't understand

07-11-13, 10:05
Willous you really really need help with your anxiety. Please get yourself to the doctors :hugs:

07-11-13, 11:02
My wife is taking the kids to go live at her mums tonight this has ruined my life it's not worth it anymore. I thought it was just that she didn't understand but she is sick of it. I've been fine for months but this has kicked it all off.

---------- Post added at 11:00 ---------- Previous post was at 10:12 ----------

I now am looking for every little thing

---------- Post added at 11:02 ---------- Previous post was at 11:00 ----------

Going doctors at 6

07-11-13, 11:10
Willous I'm incredibly sorry about your wife but ... now you have something to fight for. It isn't that life's not worth living, it's that life's worth grabbing with both hands!

I'm glad that you're going to the doctors. Please be 100% honest about your needs. And if he or she doesn't listen you ask to speak to someone that will. You need help Willous, a lot of help, and today is the day to go ask for it :hugs:

07-11-13, 12:07
I Am and wish I could go sooner. Why am I like this I'm mentally ill obviously I don't understand it. I was fine for months but convinced myself something would go wrong before op even happened

---------- Post added at 11:31 ---------- Previous post was at 11:15 ----------

I've done my temp over 20 times with thermometer and fluctuates under arm from 36 to 36,4 do you think head one may be wrong as old and not clean

---------- Post added at 11:42 ---------- Previous post was at 11:31 ----------

How do I stop taking trmperature

---------- Post added at 12:07 ---------- Previous post was at 11:42 ----------

I am sweating could that have made it higher I then did it in my mouth but didn't clean it as couldn't think could that make me I'll can someone please help I'm losing everything

07-11-13, 12:13

This is an internet forum. I feel everyone has tried to help and offered good advice. Short of coming through the screen and dragging you to the doctor, what can we do? Nothing we suggest seems to be helping :( I'm truly sorry you're going through this and hope you feel better soon.

Good Luck

07-11-13, 15:23
But this is my only hope. I'm sorry.

---------- Post added at 13:41 ---------- Previous post was at 12:36 ----------

When I think about temp I always think I have one

---------- Post added at 15:23 ---------- Previous post was at 13:41 ----------

Does anyone think they have a temp but don't please answer

07-11-13, 15:38
I went to the doc 10 days ago convinced that I still had a temperature after a nasty cold virus thing. Kept thinking my forehead felt hot and I felt funny, etc. Doc took temperature, completely and absolutely normal. I know it's hard, but try not to obsess over your body temperature. It can fluctuate a bit anyway, plus, weird as it sounds, stress/anxiety can cause it to go up (and tiredness, hunger, external temperature all affect it as well). And 'normal' is slightly different for different people, too.

Fluctuating between 36 and 36.4 - especially when you're not a doctor so there's no guarantee you're "doing it properly" or that your equipment is 100% - doesn't seem a big change at all. It's also completely normal to get different readings from different locations (underarm, mouth, etc). Even if your reading of 38 earlier today is accurate (and I'd be amazed if you were managing to take accurate temperature readings in your current state!) it's not that high really, not high enough to indicate a serious infection I wouldn't have thought. What you might not realise is that you can have a minor infection (not even anything to do with the surgery site, but just a cold or something) that would cause your temperature to go up a bit but not be any reason to panic.

But realistically your temperature isn't the problem here, as you know, and as plenty of other people have told you!

07-11-13, 17:36
If it was a serious infection would temp be constantly high? Thanks for reply

07-11-13, 17:45
Willous - seriously mate you are focusing your attention in the wrong place. If you had a temperature you would probably also feel ill, and even if you did it is nothing to worry about and were it not to go away on its own would easily be solved with a visit to the GP.

Fishmanpa is spot on as are others. Your wife is sending you a very clear message, don't allow your anxiety to jeopardise a great life with your beautiful twins. Now is the time to grow gigantic cahunas (metaphorically not physically - otherwise that would be reason for a docs visit) and tackle this head on and relentlessly not accepting defeat. The solution to this comes from within you and it seems to me like your wife going to her mothers should be all the motivation you need. Show her how you can tackle this. It sounds to me like she appreciates you have challenges and I am sure that showing her progress and a push to solve the anxiety rather than worrying about innocuous symptoms would help.

Good luck - we have your back but really there is nothing anyone can do to reassure you about physical symptoms as you won't accept reassurance.

07-11-13, 17:58
If you had a serious infection you would have much more than a temperature that's barely even a degree above an average person's normal - and frankly I just don't believe that you're getting pinpoint accurate readings anyway, so you're really wasting your time with this constantly checking your temperature. If you genuinely think you have a high temperature, go to your GP, who will take your temperature *accurately*. And while you're there, discuss your anxiety with him/her, and *don't* take your temperature again!

07-11-13, 18:24
I have just been to GPS who did not put my mind at ease. Said I SHOULD be okay? Temp was 37.4 she said that k? Last response please

07-11-13, 18:28
Well, you know as well as I do that this isn't going to be the last time you ask for reassurance about this. Also I know you're very anxious but just occasionally you do need to READ the replies to your posts and show some indication that you're actually listening to the advice that people give you, or people will just stop responding.

If your GP was worried, she would have investigated further. 37.4 isn't very high and is - obviously, as the GP wasn't worried - in no way indicative of a serious infection. The end.

Now the real question is - did you actually speak to your GP about your anxiety? Because it doesn't sound like you did. And if you didn't, you're not going to get ANYWHERE.

07-11-13, 18:40
Yes I did and I have been given proponarol and she is putting me in for another cbt session but she was very old school and I was in tears but she didn't know what to do. I'm so sorry to you all. I asked her why my mouth and under arm temps at home so why was ear one there higher and she couldn't answer. She said the bandage did not look infected in any way but said she can not tell what will happen over next few days? I needed reassurance?

07-11-13, 18:44
This may sound odd, but I think reassurance is the last thing you need as clearly reassurance doesn't help. You now need to deal with the problem.

07-11-13, 18:47
Yes I did and I have been given proponarol and she is putting me in for another cbt session but she was very old school and I was in tears but she didn't know what to do. I'm so sorry to you all. I asked her why my mouth and under arm temps at home so why was ear one there higher and she couldn't answer. She said the bandage did not look infected in any way but said she can not tell what will happen over next few days? I needed reassurance?

OK, good - hopefully the propranolol will help, but I think the CBT is going to be much MORE help, as long as you can put it into practice! She won't be able to answer why your temperature was different when you took it because she has no way of telling whether you were doing it right, whether the thermometer you were using was accurate, etc. She said the bandage didn't look infected "in any way". So what more reassurance could you possibly need? Obviously she can't tell what will happen over the next few days. It would be irresponsible of her to say that she's certain you won't get any infection - I can't say for sure that I'm not going to get food poisoning tomorrow, for instance, can I? You just don't know. She can say what she can see NOW, which is that she can see no infection. You wouldn't have been happy with anything a doctor said, realistically.

07-11-13, 18:55
All think your right. It's the way she deals with it and I suppose I was looking for a different type of doctor. I remember seeing her before And she was blunt. She said even if it there was an infection you would most likely only need antibiotics. She said temp was a little high but does anyone know if 37.4 is normal for ear? She said night sweats were common and could be anxiety. She just said what do you want me to say but I suppose I wanted her to say it looks fine and your temps fine and you need to stop thinking about it but instead said I have a slightly high but normal temp and just keep an eye on things.

---------- Post added at 18:55 ---------- Previous post was at 18:53 ----------

Can anyone just tell me if 37.4 is high for an ear temp please and I promise that's it

07-11-13, 19:10

I went back and read some previous threads. Since May of 2012, you've had fears, worries and concerns about:

Alzheimers, Asbestos and related contamination issues, brain tumor, oral cancer, lung cancer, bowel cancer, skin cancer, lymphoma, going blind, swollen nodes in various places, breathing issues, overdose, tooth infection leading to death, twitching, diabetes, mouth cuts/sores, heart flutters/heart attack, wound infection, a body temperature obsession etc., etc., etc., not to mention scared because you thought you ate a piece of a plastic fork and of course the black seed in your poo thread.

Obviously, your HA is totally out of control. Your wife is fed up, I can't imagine what your poor kids are thinking about their Daddy. Everyone has tried to reassure you to no avail. Why would you believe us if you don't believe the medical professionals?

Please get help. The sooner the better. You're crying that this is ruining your life but you're allowing it to happen.

Truly, I wish you the best. I hope you find the help you so desperately need.

Good Luck to you!

07-11-13, 19:12
I really appreciate it and going to do something about it but can one person please let me know if 37.4 is normal for ear temp

07-11-13, 19:53
I doubt we can, no. Because most of us don't spend our time obsessively taking our temperatures. I have literally no idea what mine is. I just know that when the doctor took it the other week she said it was fine. Might easily have said 37.4 for all I know! Also - and I've said this before but you've obviously ignored it - 'normal' is different for different people, not everyone has exactly the same 'normal' body temperature.

And anyway - we're not doctors. But the person you've just been to see IS a doctor. And what did she say? Basically a little higher than normal, right? So if one of us then turned around to you and said 'oh no, 37.4 is normal', you'd be saying 'oh but then why did the doctor say it was higher than normal?'.

Again, you and I both know that despite the promises this won't be the last 'just one more question please' that you ask. I don't know if I'm making you worse or not, perhaps I am, but I suspect even if no one answered you at all you wouldn't give up.

Now PLEASE, for goodness sake, get some help from qualified people.

07-11-13, 20:01
I will but please does anyone know if 37.4 is normal for ear temperature
As she was not my Nola

07-11-13, 20:03
Hi I had mine took yesterday and it was the same as yours and doctor said it was fine .hope that helps.

07-11-13, 20:48
Thank you, does that mean slightly high or normal anyone

07-11-13, 20:54
From your July 4th post:

And I have diagnosed myself with a million things. Why am I doing this, it's like I'm trying hard to findssomething to ruin my day. I have posted on other thread but I had temp done at doctors in ear which was 37.5. He said its normal but I know it's not. Is it true like some sites say that ear temp is different and it would be fine. Havre been up all night waiting to buy a thermometer. I didn't even think about temp before doctors bout now I'm focusing on it and think I feel hot. What can I do for my health anxiety not to ruin tomorrow. I feel useless.

07-11-13, 21:00
I'm sorry I really am I'm honestly a lost case I am going to finish now finish it all. I'm messed up beyond help. I was just getting better. I just needed reassurance from this doctor but no... She just fed my anxiety. I'm sorry for all this everyone I truly am.x

08-11-13, 07:31
I need to fight for my life today. I have looked through thread and sorry if I did not listen or respect views. I am gonna try and keep my mind occupied which is hard when you can't get out. I have taken my temp once under mouth which was 36 and am not going to do it now until tomorrow. I have got a blocked nose which I will not worry about. I am now obsessing about how the area affected feels. I just go from one to another thing lol. My partner is working all day which is quite hard. If infection was going to happen sure it would be by now?

08-11-13, 07:48
Willous - go back to your doctor. I really don't care whether he or she is willing to listen. Make them. You are chronically affected by anxiety. Your wife has just upped and left. You need help and support from your local health care service providers.

If they do not listen contact your local primary care trust, or IAPT team direct. You need help and you have to go out there and get it.

08-11-13, 08:14
Ive got another appointment now on Monday? Has anyone else felt like this after an op? I do know I have to do something now. It is unlikely that I will get An infection and I know that but honestly that doctor did not put my mind at ease and I could feel so much better now if she did. I'm scrutinising everything that could go wrong and the smallest nighle around sore is setting me off.

08-11-13, 08:20
Ive got another appointment now on Monday? Has anyone else felt like this after an op? I do know I have to do something now. It is unlikely that I will get An infection and I know that but honestly that doctor did not put my mind at ease and I could feel so much better now if she did. I'm scrutinising everything that could go wrong and the smallest nighle around sore is setting me off.

Read the above again. You're right about the obsessing. You need to focus your attention on the one illness that you do have. It really is time that you tackled your anxiety Willous, acknowledged that it's out of control. You need a heck of a lot of support to overcome it.

None of us here can help you any further. You have to help yourself. We're all just chasing our tails as you lurch from one obsessive fixation to another. I want you to get well, we all do ... but you have to be the one to make that happen.

08-11-13, 09:49
If you look up what is normal temperature you will see that yours was normal at the time she took it just because she worded it wrong don't mean it was high she would of said if your temperature was high but it wasn't you would be feeling really ill after all this time if you had high temperature and infection .

08-11-13, 19:17
Why do you feel symptoms when you think about it. Why is life
So cruel
And our brains?

---------- Post added at 19:17 ---------- Previous post was at 16:23 ----------

Do you think if there was an infection would have had it by now

09-11-13, 05:58
Anyone know

09-11-13, 06:24
Willous none of us here are doctors. You constantly ask for reassurance from your fellow NMP members and yet openly admit that a visit to the doctors hasn't reassured you. How can we do what your doctor hasn't?

And if you get an infection what of it? Deal with it, like you did the operation. Face your fears and get the correct help for the illness you do have.

Without wanting to appear harsh Willous it's difficult and draining for others to keep trying to keep your spirits up. You don't listen, you won't listen, because you're too ill with anxiety disorder. Please show some self-awareness and ensure that you start receiving the help that you need from those qualified to give it, ok?

09-11-13, 06:46
I am and going Monday but does Nyone just know that if an infection was to happen if it would have happened by now? I had my op on Monday. I honestly will get help Monday as I need it so bad.

09-11-13, 06:52
Willous ring 111 and ask those qualified to answer, ok?

09-11-13, 07:36
But what do people think, if I ring them I will have a panic attack.

09-11-13, 09:17

People have told you repeatedly what they think. This thread is the absolute perfect illustration of why reassurance is the folly of a HA sufferer.

I don't think there is anything else at all that people can say to reassure you further. I don't understand why phoning 111 would create a panic attack when so far this week you have been to the GP and also had an operation. 111 seems like small beer to me.

Your wife has gone to stay with her mother. That and that alone should give you all the motivation you need to get to the nub of the problem. I implore you to stop seeking reassurance and see if you can go without it. Ultimately you will have to as there are not endless sources of reassurance available.

Personally I don't believe that this forum is here for people to list their symptoms and receive guidance and diagnosis. I doubt any of us are suitably qualifies. This forum has to be here to support people to recover and that is something you have to want.

Please focus on the real problem and people will pull you through, but I sense that people's patience is starting to wear a bit.

09-11-13, 10:01
But I just need that question answered, not medically but what do people think. Everyone asks questions like that. I'm going doctors on monday

09-11-13, 10:11
Do you think if there was an infection would have had it by now

Here's the HONEST answer Willous: it's impossible to predict. You can develop infections anywhere in the body at any time so ... maybe you're fine, maybe you're still open to developing an infection.

Now you have your answer.

*Fallen Angel*
09-11-13, 10:13
I'm going to hazard a guess, and going on personal experiences, if you had or were developing an infection you would know by now I'm sure. However, if you can't wait till the Drs on Monday, please phone the NHS number. They can reassure you and get you seen if they think it's necessary.

I understand how hard it is when you are deeply frightened and it sucks you in but you have to take a step back and try and rationalise it. You did the hard bit, in having the op and you can and will get through this.

09-11-13, 10:15
But I just need that question answered, not medically but what do people think. Everyone asks questions like that. I'm going doctors on monday

You don't, because then you will have another question. You need to see the cycle you are trapped in.

09-11-13, 11:38
Okay I get it. I'm actually feeling better today and not going to doctors on Monday about my op! I want and need help. I know that if I had an infection I would know about it. Logically I know an infection would have a occurred during the op so I was only asking if people think it would have developed by now. Not worthy of a call to nhs and feeling a lot better.

09-11-13, 11:40
Okay I get it. Not worthy of a call to nhs and feeling a lot better.

Good :)

09-11-13, 18:57
I'm a lot more chilled now but if there was an infection around the site would it be more than just a little patch of red I e would you know about it

09-11-13, 19:20
Stop it Willous ... turn on the TV. Read. Watch a film. Call someone and have a chat.

09-11-13, 19:25
I am but if it was an infection would you know about it. I'm seeing a doc Monday and keeping myself at bay. Just wanted to ask

09-11-13, 19:46
Willous you keep asking the same question. It's been answered. Let it go ...

09-11-13, 19:47
Don't know about anyone else but I'm waving the white flag.

09-11-13, 21:00
Well that's really nice of you aye. I was saying I'm going to docs Monday but was asking general question. Thanks

09-11-13, 21:05
Willious, your question has been answered, stop repeating it.

09-11-13, 21:34
I'll leave this site, I'm just going through a bad time and so sorry I've angered so many people. Can a mod delete my details. Thanks

09-11-13, 21:36
Willous, you have not angered anybody. We all want to help you but you need to at least acknowledge the help given to you. We cannot answer medical questions, because none of us are medically qualified to do so (even if we were we couldn't diagnose anything over an internet forum) and you will have to wait until Monday.

09-11-13, 21:37
You've not angered anyone Willous. We're unable to reassure/help you - which is not the same as being angry.

Stay. Get your crap together and become an NMP success story instead :)

09-11-13, 21:59
Get your crap together and become an NMP success story instead :)

That's the point here Willous! Think of it this way... You ask what color your shirt is and we all tell you it's blue (even the doctors tell you it's blue). You know it's blue and say "You're right it's blue!... by the way... what color is my shirt?"

When I say I'm waving the white flag it's because there's nothing I or anyone can say or do that seems to to help you nor will you do anything to help yourself.

Good luck to you...really... I sincerely hope you find a way to break out of the spiral you're in.