View Full Version : advice please

30-10-13, 12:25
Hi all... To cut a very long story short:) I saw a Haematologist last week over my groin lymph nodes and one i have on the side of my neck, which is small.

as fast as i was in her room, she discharge me:ohmy: as i showed her my private scan report on my groin, and she said they were fine and the scan report showed her nothing to be worried about

However I have not had anything done regarding that one small lymph node on my neck But she still felt that it was to small to be worried about:shrug:

Today I called my private GP and told her what happened thinking that she would offer me a neck scan for some peace of mind knowing full well it would cost me .. and straight away she said NO:ohmy: if a Haematologist hasn't any problems and discharges you then she feels that there is nothing wrong

How would you feel to here that:lac: Do I just leave it at that now:weep:

30-10-13, 13:26
Well if your are paying you could always call back and ask for a scan....BUT...you have been told that all is OK so try to be reassured about that.


30-10-13, 13:33
i showed her my private scan report on my groin, and she said they were fine and the scan report showed her nothing to be worried about

However I have not had anything done regarding that one small lymph node on my neck But she still felt that it was to small to be worried about:shrug:

Today I called my private GP and told her what happened thinking that she would offer me a neck scan for some peace of mind knowing full well it would cost me .. and straight away she said NO:ohmy: if a Haematologist hasn't any problems and discharges you then she feels that there is nothing wrong

There comes a time when you have to reconcile yourself to the fact that, after tests and doctors visits, their professional opinion is that you're fine. Certainly you can continue to chase the rabbit and go to different doctors but sooner or later you'll have to treat the root of the issue which is HA.

Good Luck!