View Full Version : Can't stay asleep :(

30-10-13, 13:40
I can go to sleep fine but from 2am onwards I'm waking hourly looking at the time on my phone. I then nod back off but wake again an hour later. Last night I slept 11-2 then woke hourly until 5 where I gave up and just lay awake.

I had a similar poor sleeping pattern last year when my anxiety first started but once on mirtazapine my sleep improved. I'm not used to this and I'm drained. Today I've got up, showered and lay on my bed nearly all day watching movies with the kids. I feel terrible not being able to take then out today but I'm exhausted and have a headache.

Any tips on how to stop this? I'm falling asleep fine but wake up so much. I know it's probably now after 2 weeks I'm worrying every night about whether I will sleep or not so that won't be helping.

30-10-13, 18:02
That's a toughie - the obvious no-no's are coffee and ciggies, but I'm sure you already know that. I hope you find someone with good advice - I wish you all the best.


Miss lexx
30-10-13, 22:50
Hi hun,
This used to happen to me and my doctor told me that it's my over active mind that is preventing me from sleeping properly and after a while I built up a fear of going to sleep as I would worry I wasn't getting enough sleep ( I was pregnant at the time so mainly worried about the baby) well I was given a booklet about sleep and there was some helpful stuff in there which made sense.. I was told not to watch tv in bed and only try for 15 minuets to get to sleep and if I couldn't then not to worry just get up do a few things then try again.. The main problem is the worry, the more you worry the worse it gets.. but the good thing is you are getting some sleep. I was also told that everybody is different and some people only need a few hours sleep a night and some need more.. You should look up some relaxation methods for when you wake it may help. And don't feel bad for laying watching movies with your kids that is still fun and you are only human I don't take my children out everyday.. Sorry for the essay lol Hope you feel better soon x

31-10-13, 22:02
Thank you both so much.

I really do think its because I know I need more sleep than I'm getting and with each bad night I feel under more pressure to sleep. Once I wake that's it I just toss and turn and can't get back into a proper sleep. At the most I doze for an hour. It's really draining and I'm starting to find the days long, probably with it being half term and I've 3 children to look after. I'm walking around like a zombie every day.

Thanks again x

02-11-13, 05:53
i have problems sleeping i find whn i go sleep im ok till bout 5am whn i wake up panicing n sweating

03-11-13, 22:27
Oh god...I can totally relate to you here..it's getting to the point I dread going to bed. It must have been literally ten years ago since I managed to sleep through the night. Now I can't manage to sleep for more than3 hours without jolting awake. Absolutely vile:( totally sympathise with you here my love. Xx

04-11-13, 11:12
It's awful isn't it.

I have had my daughter unwell the last few days so I have been awake with her every night.

I feel worn out every day, I am like a zombie..

Oh god...I can totally relate to you here..it's getting to the point I dread going to bed. It must have been literally ten years ago since I managed to sleep through the night. Now I can't manage to sleep for more than3 hours without jolting awake. Absolutely vile:( totally sympathise with you here my love. Xx