View Full Version : food poisioning

rachael t
30-10-13, 14:25
Hi reheated curry and rice up last nite wich had been in microwave all night then within a hour had diareaha went bout 4 times didnt have alot of pains thought im worried it could be bowel or stomach problem or is it the food

30-10-13, 14:55
Hello, how long ago was is it now since you ate it? Has your stomach calmed down at all?

30-10-13, 15:14
Reheated rice can be dodgy so could easily be that. If that's your only symptom (diarrhea after a reheated meal), then it's most likely that's the cause. There are also a few sickness bugs going round at the minute so you could have caught one of them and the reheated meal is just a coincidence. No reason to think it's anything serious on the basis of what you've said!

rachael t
30-10-13, 15:16
Hi i ate the food last nite and within a hour after eating had suden onset of diareaha went 3 x but been ok since just rumbling belly

30-10-13, 15:28
I think it's very uncommon for food poisoning to occur so quickly. So if you were ill, it's probably not the curry. Plus if you don't have abdominal pain and the symptoms you did have improved, I'd say you're probably fine :) Maybe it just irritated your stomach.I have IBS and can't eat curry without needing to rush to the toilet afterwards :/

03-11-13, 02:51
Just to let you no on Sunday 27th oct I to come down with diareaha at about 5pm,i was on and if the toilet till 4am in the morning.

I believe it's a bug, I'm OK now, my stomach was rumbling for a few days till it settled. At the time i blamed it on a Chinese takeaway i had the previous evening.