View Full Version : Got the dreaded stomach virus

30-10-13, 14:33
I ended up getting the tummy bug my family has and it's horrible I was sick last night and have completely lost my appetite :(
I suffer with ibs so have to keep a regular diet other wise it plays up and so far I've not eaten for 2 days!

The virus has left me weak and feeling so low
What diet shall I stick too to ease back into eating properly?
I heard sprites good but it has to be flat how do I make sprite flat?
And does sprite dehydrate?
Ive only been sick once but I also had a fever of 38.5 yesterday so I'm so scared il get bad dehydration any help with anyone who's had a bug like this will help me out massively thanks in advance xxxxx

30-10-13, 15:17
The best diet is what is known as the BRAT diet. Bananas, Rice (plain boiled), Apple sauce and dry toast. I wouldn't eat anything other than this for the first day. Lime jelly is good too.
If you leave fizzy drinks open they will go flat. I personally would say that water is better and fruit teas or peppermint, chamomile tea.
I hope you feel better soon xx

30-10-13, 15:59
Oh yes the brat diet, what about chicken noodle soup as well? since soup is mostly liquid?
and would strawberry jelly be ok i have that, i put some icecubes in my sprite hoping it will go flat for some reason the only thing i fancy is sprite its weird! thank you annie it is a horrible bug xx

30-10-13, 16:02
Strawberry jelly will be fine. i don't think I would try the chicken noodle soup yet until you know that everything else is staying down okay. Rich tea biscuits are quite good.

30-10-13, 16:21
I dont have rich tea would rice cakes or jacobs crackers be ok? just had some toast and now my belly is hurting, but i dont feel sick x

30-10-13, 16:23
Don't have anything else yet but yes Jacobs crackers will be good. Give the toast chance to settle first.

01-11-13, 13:07
Well its been a couple of days now without being sick and ive been on the brat diet and before then just toast i feel better now, do you think i will be ok to eat something normal? like a toasted sandwich? i dont know how long im meant to stay on soup for but im really starting to crave proper food as im so weak :(

01-11-13, 13:12
Flat coke is best for dehydration. The cheaper the coke, the better.