View Full Version : 5 days in with another antidepressant: Moclobemide / Manerix

30-10-13, 16:56
So as the title says I am now at the end of day 5 with the antidepressant called Manerix or Moclobemide.

I know you are supposed to give it 6 weeks or whatever (my doctor said go back for a review after 2 weeks or so), but so far I am feeling a bit pants.

The medication doesn't appear to have any horrible side effects (yay!), but I notice subtle changes like I am feeling a bit more anxious, agitated and a bit sad really. Every other medication I have tried recently has made me REALLY anxious/agitated and now I am concerned this one is heading the same way.

I'm going to keep taking it for a bit but I am feeling a bit hopeless. This is kind of a 'last resort' medication as I've tried so many others. If this doesn't work I feel like there can't be much hope for the future.

thanks for reading.

30-10-13, 17:41
I had to look that one up, not heard of it before. I understand the hopeless feeling, I was on and off meds for years but now and then one worked and it was SO good. I hope this one works for you - try and keep going with it. All the best.


30-10-13, 20:07
Hi Yenool,

Sorry to hear you're not feeling good on the new drug but at least no major side effects is a relief. I'm on my 8th drug in 12 months - I know how it can feel like there is no hope and nothing will work, however I believe there is something out there for all of us - it's just a hard job finding the right thing.

I recently saw another psychiatrist who prescribed me Trazodone which I've started, however he has recommended different drug regimes if the Trazodone doesn't work - Moclobemide is next on the list, he suggested I take regular Diazepam when starting it as it can increase anxiety. Were you advised that it could increase your anxiety and are you on a low starting dose? My psychiatrist then suggested Venlafaxine and Mirtazapine together and if that is ineffective or intolerable to try an antipsychotic - so there are lots of alternatives. Please don't believe that there is no hope, we will get better.

I've spent weeks refusing to try medication after some pretty horrific side effects, thinking that my anxiety will just burn itself out and I can think/act myself better but it has left me more anxious and depressed. One interesting bit of advice the psych gave me was that if you feel worse after taking the antidepressant for 2 weeks - stop taking it, if you feel the same or slightly better increase the dose if necessary to the target dose. This goes against some advice I've been given but it's actually a relief to hear a doctor say that if the side effects are worse than the initial problem, don't wait for a month or two, give it two weeks and then try something different.

I've read some good reports about Moclobemide, it works quickly too, lets hope it's the right one for you

30-10-13, 20:21
Hi Yenool,

I've spent weeks refusing to try medication after some pretty horrific side effects, thinking that my anxiety will just burn itself out and I can think/act myself better but it has left me more anxious and depressed. One interesting bit of advice the psych gave me was that if you feel worse after taking the antidepressant for 2 weeks - stop taking it, if you feel the same or slightly better increase the dose if necessary to the target dose. This goes against some advice I've been given but it's actually a relief to hear a doctor say that if the side effects are worse than the initial problem, don't wait for a month or two, give it two weeks and then try something different.

That is interesting as every medication I have tried recently has made me feel significantly worse..... BUT every time the GP has strongly encouraged me to continue for at least 6 weeks. Everyone told me citalopram was great and when it started making me worse they said keep going it takes 2 months to 'kick in', of course it never did 'kick in' and I felt like poo for the best part of 6 weeks before I gave up.

Logically I agree there is bound to be a medication or combination of medications that can help me, but I am getting frustrated trying to find it. I also think I may be wearing out my GP's patience and idea bank. We have tried an awful lot of pills from varying 'classes' of medication now and nothing has really helped.

Anyway.... I have also read that if Moclobemide is going to help then it does so quickly, so I am just hanging on for the next couple of weeks to see what happens.

Neurotic Nick
30-10-13, 22:57
Hi yenool, i may only have just jumped on the medication train but i have had every therapy under the sun for years and have only gotten worse so i really know the hopeless feeling. It really sucks but i think its just something you have to ride out and what helps for me is trying to focus on the simple day to day concerns and not think too far ahead.

I hope this med works for you!!

31-10-13, 11:59
Moclobemide is one of the faster acting drugs - it takes around 2 weeks for the effects to show. Increased anxiety is usual after around 5 days so I would keep taking it and try to keep your CNS as relaxed as possible.

I've never tried it but it seems to have an exceptionally low incidence of side effects. To be honest I'm surprised that its not prescribed as a first line treatment for depression and anxiety. It also doesn't come with the nasty withdrawal effects and sexual dysfunction that are par for the course with SSRIs.

03-11-13, 15:18
How are you doing Yenool? Is the anxiety improving at all yet?

03-11-13, 17:45
How are you doing Yenool? Is the anxiety improving at all yet?
I'm OK. These last 3 days I've felt actually quite down and tearful on a few occasions. I'm frequently thinking about death (mine and others), which isn't helpful.

The anxiety I'm not so sure about. I've felt quite on edge and agitated but anxious isn't quite the word I would use. For me there is a subtle difference between agitation and anxiety but I'm not sure how to describe it really.

Today I've felt quite calm and relaxed but that is because I've had a fair bit of pain today so I took some of my pain killers and a side-effect from those is relaxation..... Unfortunately they can't be taken all the time just for the anxiety!!

So I'm not sure about moclobemide so far as basically I feel worse right now. However it is only day 9 (I think!) so probably have to hang in for a while longer.

I'm going to try and get an appointment for the end of next week as that will be the 2 week review the GP asked for.

05-11-13, 16:59
I hope your still hanging in with the Moclobemide, your coming up to day 14 - hopefully the light will come into sight x

05-11-13, 20:34
I hope your still hanging in with the Moclobemide, your coming up to day 14 - hopefully the light will come into sight x

Yep, still hanging in thanks :)
Feel slightly better this last day and a half.... a touch hyper almost (insomnia too) but not as sad.

Not managed to get an appointment with the Dr yet...which is frustrating, but that is the downside of having a good GP who only works part-time.

10-11-13, 10:19
Day 16 now.
I'm not sure how I feel right now. I've felt once or twice that my anxiety might be less but at other times I have felt my anxiety is worse. Overall I think my mood is not great either; frequent thoughts of death/suicide which was not there before starting these meds. I have no intention to follow through but they are still a disturbing distraction. By the way when I say anxiety I really think I mean agitation because I do not get the classic racing heart, sweaty palms, butterflies in the stomach - it is more of a restlessness, frustration, anger, stress, etc.

I've discovered moclobemide/manerix may cause insomnia if taken too late in the day. I think it may also be causing my blood pressure to increase slightly. I'm keeping an eye on that and will mention it to my Dr next week.

When I see the Dr I'm not sure if I want to increase the dose, stay as I am or ask for a referral to see a specialist, as I feel I am getting nowhere fast with all these medications I have tried.

Sorry if all my posts come across as very negative, but it is hard to be positive at the moment.

04-12-13, 21:28
I thought I would do an update just for anyone else who may be considering trying this medication and is perhaps searching the forums for information.

I'm nearing the 6 week mark now and I'm taking 450mg per day.

Positive: I have more energy, more motivation, better concentration and less physical pain.

Neutral: Sleep is not great.

Negative: Still very anxious, agitated with racing thoughts. Struggling especially in social situations which is weird as this medication is supposed to help with social anxiety, not make it worse!

I'm going to stick with it a bit longer. The doctor has just given me an anti-anxiety medication to hopefully take the edge off. I intend to use it for social situations and in the evenings if I can't slow my thoughts down enough to sleep.

I hope the anxiety medication may calm me down enough for the moclobemide to start working, if that makes sense.