View Full Version : Hoping for some support and vice versa

anx mum
30-10-13, 17:30
Ive come back after a while.This site has helped me and i have made so many friends thanks nicola for keeping me on.
Im struggling so much with health anxiety its basically controlling my life ive had numerous times to docs and hospital and still getting horrid chest pains:weep:. The pain is stabbing and in centre of chest its there when i wake til i go to bed. Many of u know i suffer with anxiety with all this going on my anxiety is sky high. I just wanna feel well, whatever well is?

30-10-13, 17:32
Welcome back Bev. We left your account open for you in case you did decide to come back again.

Have you had the scan now?

30-10-13, 17:33
I once said to my doctor that I wondered what it would feel like to feel well. I can't remember that far back. :hugs:

30-10-13, 17:33
Welcome Back.

30-10-13, 18:10
welcome back and I really hope you feel better soon :hugs:I know how you feel xx

anx mum
30-10-13, 18:43
thank u so much guys and thanks nicola. Had ct scan in stoke that come bk abnormal, so doc did anigram which was horrid that came bk normal so not my heart but still getting horrid pains like sharp stabbing pains in centre of chest. Got appointment tomorrow with my councillor so he can maybe help me with my meds. My mood is quite low crying alot just want to be well for my kids.

30-10-13, 19:29
Bev, all your tests have come back fine, you really must take reassurance from that now. The chest pains will be anxiety. I have had them too and as soon as I stopped worrying about them (after an ECG) they went.

anx mum
30-10-13, 20:37
thanks annie i know im worry wart:)

30-10-13, 20:50
Welcome back :D i also get awful chest pains when my anxiety is bad, infact i was at my doctors about it the other week as i was concerned too but Im now reassured its just the evil anxiety rearing its ugly head :lac: x x

30-10-13, 23:54
What was found on the CT scan that was abnormal then?

What are they doing with you now?

anx mum
02-11-13, 21:14
Hi when i went to stoke for ct scan there said there was an abnormality my consultant at where i am did an anigram he is now said my valves and everything are ok. Which leaves me thinking what is this chest pain? still got it:weep:taking ibufeon which the hospital gave me my anxiety is still sky high

02-11-13, 21:21
So what was the abnormality and what are they doing about it?

anx mum
02-11-13, 21:27
well doc said it was inconclusive so had too do anigram was a horrible test the consultant said everything was ok but still got chest pain talking about sending me to a pain clinic its wearing me out to be honest my anx is sky high

02-11-13, 22:23
I have had an angioplast done so know the procedure.

Why don't they put you on something to see if it is indigestion/reflux type pain or it could still be costochnondritis. Of course anxiety causes chest pains too

anx mum
03-11-13, 18:45
Thanks nicola im struggling today feels like ive got pain all around left breast really worrying me. just wish they would diagnoise me im scared, thinking whether to go up to hospital

03-11-13, 20:06
Heart pain is not felt over the heart as such

That sounds more muscular to me

anx mum
03-11-13, 21:20
Its mainly in centre but moves to left side under breast

03-11-13, 22:18
Well it can't be your heart - you have had all the tests done now so it must be anxiety or the other things I mentioned