View Full Version : have i brought this on myself

30-10-13, 19:16
as you can see ive been posting on here quite a lot just lately because not coping very well. and ive been going to see my gp quite a lot about my anxiety and too be honest it has been once aweek which I know I shouldn't but I just cant stop doing it and went up on mon regarding what happened on sat which I posted about it on here. I am petriefied of taking meds but because the last few days ive been really bad with the anxiety I went up to ask him for meds and see if I can try and take them he gave the prescription but then he said that he is not going to see me again if its about my anxiety only if its for something else and that he was going to tell the receptionist that if I fone for a appointment they have got to ask me wat for first and if its about anxiety then they wont book me , I just feel that now its all my own fault the doctor has done that and maybe ill just have to try and over come this by myself

30-10-13, 19:26
That seems a bit unfair of your GP. When my anxiety was at my worst my GP wanted to see me every week and even came out to my house to visit me when I was too ill to go out.

30-10-13, 19:32
Sorry to hear you're having a rough time with the anxiety at the moment Tricia. Anxiety is a real illness, it is not imagined or made up to seek attention. Your doctor has a duty of care to provide help and advice to you, whether that's once a year or everyday it doesn't matter. You should not be made to feel that you have to overcome this by yourself, you should have a doctor that you can work in partnership with to help you recover.

I would write to the practice manager saying what you have posted, acknowledge that you have anxiety and it has brought you to the surgery on numerous occasions but it is an ongoing issue that you are trying to get help for. Are there any other doctors at the surgery? This doctor doesn't sound like he understands anxiety and you may be better off finding a more empathetic doctor

30-10-13, 20:00
What a B****** GP - as discusting as my swearing outburst!

I'd report - u obviously need help and I'd be worried about you harming yourself if I had a patient like you who was such a regular regarding their mental health.

He obviously must think your simply attention seeking BUT he shouldn't ever make that assumption and take that risk! I'd certainly report doctors are NOT God and do get it wrong and make mistakes. Go see an alternative GP explain what happend and your need to seek regular reassurance and ask to be refered to a therapist pronto!

Complain! Idiot - don't care doc or not absolultly discusting, he has a duty of care, what if you were to overdose because his ignorance and quite abrupt response tipped u over the edge!
He needs disciplining over this.

30-10-13, 20:02
thks annie and tufty for your replys there is two docs there but both are the same as each other ive only been with them a few mnths because I moved home and I don't know any other doctors who might be more understanding with anxiety my old gp was brilliant with me but they are to far away to go back to. so if I did complain about the other doc they might take me off their list.

30-10-13, 20:20
Hmmm that would also be shocking. Comfidentiality ect your not complaining about the other one so doesn't need to know & I think legally you'd have a case on your hands. That would be shocking - unfair GP u complain about how this hurt you and left u feeling worse so to speak and then they remove you from their register.

Complain and try moving to a different GP.

30-10-13, 21:23
Seems very unfair to me, my GP was excellent when I was visiting twice a week last year and never told me that they could not see me. I would definitely speak to the practice manager and explain how you feel being treated like this.