View Full Version : Lump in tongue - Help

03-11-06, 09:53
Hey guys.

I have been doing so well for a few weeks now, feeling positive.
Last night a had a bit of a panic, as am going away for weekend and felt a little anxious. Well today i have felt a lump in my tongue!

I felt it about 2/3 weeks ago when i was suffering from a sore tingly mouth. I went to docs and she looked at my mouth and said it was fine!
Now today my mouth/ tongue feels a little tingly numb, like i have just used mouthwash and when i squeeze my tongue
between my thump and finger i can feel a small lump/bump thing!

Am terrified it is tongue cancer. I only smoke socially when drinking.
which i am planning on packing that up totally by xmas!

But it is really making me feel anxious again!!!!

Should i go to my Docs AGAIN and stupidly make her feel my tongue
when i get back after weekend? Or is this just another wonderful symptom. Do we usually have lumps and bumps in tongue and i have just never noticed before?

Help - getting in a right state

Hay x

03-11-06, 10:59

I have never posted here before but i saw your post and wanted to help. Do you suffer from health Anxiety or any other anxiety related disorders by the way?
In general i would always trust your doctors opinion. Remember that thousands of things can go wrong with the human body but we only ever think about the dangerous stuff. Doctors are very aware of the signs of cancer, they deal with it every day.
About 4 years ago now i found a lump in my neck, terrified i went to the doctors, he said that it was probably nothing to worry about and that i should come back in a month if it was still there. A month later it was and my anxiety was through the roof, he said that although it was still there it was nothing to worry about. Over the next 3 years i have seen surgeons, specialsts, doctors had loads of blood tests and every single time i was told i was fine. I just couldn't let go though. I think the reason why is because no one ever told me 'why' i shouldn't worry. When a kindly surgeon took the time to explain why it wasn't cancer it truly helped. He took me through eaxactly what they look for, how cancers work and so on. I think that, and being diagnosed as sufering from OCD / Hypochondriasis broke the cycle of worry for me.

So my advice, in summary, is, stay calm, keep things in perspective. IF you really want, go back to the doctors but write yourself a list of questions, the questions that worry you. Let the doctor answer them, then you have to be tough on yourself and stop the worrying. And promise that you won't 'check' again. Draw a line and move on, does that make sense, the actually checking of these things is what raises our anxiety. If you check every timeyou are anxious you wil start a cycle. If you don't check, the aniety goes away, it just takes time

Hope this is of some help.

03-11-06, 11:04
We've all naturally got lumps and bumps on our tongue, some more prominent than others - I think they may be our taste buds??? I had a real panic a while ago as I notice some huge lumps towards the back of my tongue and I'd never seen them before. So I got all the family poking their tongues out and we've all got them.

Also I can feel lumps on the underneath of my tonuge.

I'd guess that because your tongue is tingling, you are then looking for symptoms and finding stuff you never knew was there.

If you can stay calm, I'd suggest you leave it a few days and also ask anyone close to you if theirs feels the same as yours.

I think when our anxiety levels are high, we go looking for things to justify it! I'm sure you're fine and I hope you have a great weekend!


03-11-06, 11:21
Nieironsio.....Thanks for your comments they really helped.
Yep i do suffer with bad health anxiety and do constantly check my body when i am going through a rough spot!!!
Am going away to see my sister for the weekend and am doing the drive on my own.....it is about 3 hours and i havent done it on my own for ages (usually go with a mate) so am feeling a little anxious!!!!

Caroline - I am at work and just got a very close friend from work to stick his tongue out so i could have a feel....Luckily he already thinks i am nuts!!!!
He has lumps too, so feel a wee bit better! Will go to doc if stil feel bad over weekend.
Its weird the last time i went to see my sis i had a sore tongue!!!! Maybe it is association!!!!!

Thanks Guys xx

Hay x

piglits pal
03-11-06, 11:43
The lumps underneath your tongue at the back are salivary glands. Eat a dry cream cracker and you'll feel them go into action.

03-11-06, 11:46
Thanks piglits pale.
But the lump is in my tounge at the front!

Hay x

piglits pal
03-11-06, 11:58
I have little bumps on the underside of my tongue at the front too. Lots of them - had them for years. Most people have them.

My best friend is a GP and he always told me that if you are truly worried about something then your doctor will not mind you going back to see them again.:D

03-11-06, 12:21
Thanks - will see how the weekend goes x

Hay x

03-11-06, 21:57
My girlfriend went to an oral surgeon with a lump in her tongue - it wasnt cancer , turned out it was a fungus!

03-11-06, 21:58
My girlfriend went to an oral surgeon with a lump in her tongue - it wasnt cancer , turned out it was a fungus!