View Full Version : My head is hurting!

30-10-13, 21:14
About an hour ago I fell over and banged my head on the corner of a wooden table, at first I felt a little bit sick and I've had a headache for ages now, I banged it near my temple on the right side of my head, I've read up scary things about brain bleeding and I am starting to worry. I'm 14 years old and it also hurts if I press down where I banged my head. I keep on feeling like a small pulse every now and then in my head though, that could just be, because I am worried, at first I felt a little dizzy and now I feel a little bit tired, please help. :)

---------- Post added at 21:14 ---------- Previous post was at 21:06 ----------

I'm fact I doubt that the pulse thing is anything actually okay!

30-10-13, 21:18
Our heads are tougher than we think and the fact that you were able to sit and type this is a very good thing :) It will ache for a while. take a paracetamol for the headache. It is okay to sleep after a bang on the head, it actually promotes healing.

30-10-13, 21:24
Thank you very much, that actually helps lots! :)

---------- Post added at 21:24 ---------- Previous post was at 21:23 ----------

There is also a small lump I think!

30-10-13, 21:24

Miss lexx
30-10-13, 22:36
I used to worry about banging my head when I was a teen matter of fact I still do, someone told me that if there is a lump thats a good thing as the swelling is on the outside rather then inside. Not sure if this is true but it worked to relax me. I am sure you will be fine just think of how many people bang their head daily and they are fine.. even I am after all my worrying.. x