View Full Version : If it's not one symptom, it's another

30-10-13, 21:52
I start to feel positive then something crops up and bursts my bubble. I have had nothing but issues since coming home from my holiday 2 months ago. Between diahrroea, tachycardia symptoms, reflux and the c word scares etc, I had a nice relaxing bath tonight and I noticed that my face was bright red and like a rash but not really spotty, this has happened twice before, once when I wasn't even feeling hot or anxious, I was just watching tv. It's worrying me now because it flared up when I was in the hot sun even although when I was on holiday in the hot sun I was fine. It looks a bit like a heat rash but once I was just bright red. My skin also feels quite dry and itchy. The rash lasts for about 10/15 minutes then goes away. It has happened mostly at night. Also, I have all of a sudden become allergic to my eyeglasses (which I haven't been wearing when the rash comes on) I have had a hives type rash on my neck once which didn't last long either but I think you can guess what I'm worried about...does anyone else get this?
I had a full blood test done not long ago which was normal but this was before the rash appeared. I'm so tired of being constantly in fear. I just want to be a mum and have fun with my daughter:weep:
(I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia around 3 years ago so it's hard not knowing what I should relate to that or something else). Grr I'm so sorry for being a pest!