View Full Version : Can anyone relate? (Frequent Urination, no UTI) - severe worries.

31-10-13, 01:47
Hi everyone. My name is Gemma and I'm 17, I realise you're all like me so maybe you won't judge me and think I'm crazy like a lot of people I know in person.

Basically I have been a massive hypochondriac for almost 3 years, I worry about literally every slightly abnormal bodily sensation there is. I realise that most of it is most likely related to my severe anxiety, but being someone so conscious about their health, I confuse these sensations with other things that could be worse. I have worried myself sick over so many health issues in the past that I look at now and think I was being stupid.

I apologize for how long this is going to be.

This is probably stupid as well but over the past couple of days I have noticed myself passing urine a lot more frequently, only sometimes I have had burning/pain. I have not been drinking a lot more fluids than I would have previously. I went to the doctors today and he did a dipstick urinalysis and said that there was no indication of any infection. A few weeks ago I had a UTI and I had trimethoprim antibiotics for 3 days to clear it which it did, I was given another set of antibiotics for some reason when I complained of some side pains (which I realise now were psychosomatic). These antibiotics were called 'Co-Amoxiclav' and gave me quite possibly the worst case of thrush ever. I couldn't walk and unfortunately it was on the night of a gig I was looking forward to for ages so I didn't enjoy it at all! I took a whole week off for that to go away with the aid of multiple Canesten products. THEN I started getting the 'Globus' sensation after this to the extent of not being able to breathe, I had a few panic attacks because of this and my dad took me to A&E at night time, we were there for hours. I had panicked myself to death over the fact I could have had thrush in my mouth that spread to my throat. I could tell the doctor thought I was stupid and he was extremely concerned about my mental health. (self harm, threatened suicidal attempts)

EVERY week this month I have had a different fear (no matter how mild) and I'm getting SO sick of having to deal with my irrational fears. It's getting to the point where I actually want to disappear. It's ruining everything for me (my relationships and stuff)

Do any of you have the urge to frequently urinate without any evidence of an infection of the urinary tract? It's really getting me down and worrying me sick. Is it a COMMON psychosomatic anxiety symptom? Please help, or tell me your experiences for reassurance.

31-10-13, 03:41
Hello Gemma

I can completely relate to what you're going through. I'm in my mid-twenties but have suffered with anxiety for as long as I can remember (anxiety about about everything, but it's the health anxiety which is the worst).

I too have suffered with bladder problems for years now and they came on very suddenly. I don't know about others, but with me it's definitely to do with my anxiety! Even writing this now is making me want to go :P Don't get me wrong, if you're experiencing symptoms then of a UTI then it needs to be tested, but your tests have come back negative :) Plus, your symptoms have only lasted a couple of days.

And I too suffer with constant irrational fears. It seems like I have a certain level of anxiety at all times, and that that anxiety 'needs' to focus on something... and it will always find something to focus on! And it's ruined things for me too, my relationship, friendships, etc. BUT, this time it was kind of my own fault. I was undergoing CBT and it seemed to be working. However, as I was feeling better and I had a lot going on and was very busy, I stopped going. Stupid mistake! I will be continuing with it soon though, so hopefully I'll get back to where I was. I don't know if it works for everyone, however I'd say if you haven't already, then maybe give CBT a try- and stick at it :)

31-10-13, 15:06
Thank you so much for replying, I didn't think I would get any replies :(

So what kind of bladder problems do you have? I just feel like I have to go continuously now, without drinking much. I got my period today and I might be confusing the pressure of that with the urge to go maybe? all I know is it's bugging me to death. I remember I had severe bouts of constipation a few months back because I was obsessing over the health of my bowels and I was convinced I had an obstruction/cancer due to my auntie having the same issue and dying from it. As soon as I stopped worrying about it everything went back to normal.. I saw so many doctors about it, it was ridiculous! So maybe this issue is similar to that one in the respect that my mind is controlling my bladder habits as it did with my bowel habits?

Thanks again :)

02-11-13, 04:02
Hi Gemma,

This actually just happened to me last week! I have never peed much, and usually bragged about how I was always the only person on a road trip to not ask for a bathroom break lol. Then the other day out of nowhere, I kept peeing and peeing. And it wasn't just the frequency of it that increased, but each time I went the duration was long and it was like I had a completely full bladder. My (long suffering) husband even heard me once and made the comment "Yeah, you're right that is unusually long for you". I was in a panic and took an at home UTI test that tested positive but I knew from my experiences before that they are not always accurate. I made an appointment with my ob/gyn for the next day. His (much more reliable) test was negative, and then I googled and was convinced I had ovarian cancer. Anyway, long story short, I didn't believe anxiety could make me pee more, but as soon as I started focusing on something else, it went away and now I am back to my normal self. So weird what this can do to us.

02-11-13, 07:28
Hi Gemma, this happens to me too. Once upon a time I got a UTI which cleared up with antibiotics. But ever since then I've had a sensitive bladder and can get flare ups of cystitis without any infection. It's a nuisance!

I've found that certain things will trigger it, like caffeine, fizzy drinks or alcohol. Sometimes if I'm eating a diet that's too acidic it will trigger. And also if I wear clothing that is too tight a lot, like tights or skinny jeans, or if I'm spending too much time sitting at my desk in work instead of taking regular breaks. Sometimes even a bout of constipation can trigger it.

I keep a packet of dip sticks at home to check and make sure I don't have an actually UTI and need a doctors visit.

It's possible you're still a little tender after your UTI and your anxiety is making you hyped aware of it. Just drink lots of water and avoid irritants for a little while. You can also get sachets of Cystopurin over the counter that will ease the symptoms - just make sure it's compatible with whatever meds you're on.

02-11-13, 21:07
Thank you, that made me feel a lot better about that issue specifically! Also where did you purchase these dipsticks if you don't mind me asking.


02-11-13, 21:51
I actually got them from my aunt who is a nurse, but I know that you can buy them on Amazon or in good chemists. If you search for urine test strips on amazon you should find them. They usually come in a little container that has a colour chart for you to check them with.

If you do get them, don't get too obsessed with checking your urine though!

I forgot to mention that sometimes the cystitis will be triggered in the week before my period too, it must be hormones. Just so you're aware of that too :)

02-11-13, 21:58
yeah, I'm on my period and it was just before that it was the worst, so maybe that caused it too! but thanks for the info I may purchase some