View Full Version : Avoiding MRI scan

31-10-13, 13:47
I have a minor heart condition and I have to go in for have an MRI scan and I haven't been going because I am scared of the blood test before. I am worried that I have HIV although I haven't sex in over a year and the last few times was oral sex, I've been to anxious to go get checked.
The doc said I won't need an op until years and I'm fitter than most people I know. I am just worried, I go to my other check ups at the hospital to see if I'm ok but this one I just can't go to.
Anxiety sux!

31-10-13, 17:34
Hello there,
I had an MRI scan a couple of years ago and I didn't have a blood test before it. Have you been told you need one or are you just assuming you do?

I was scared to go but made myself and it wasn't so bad as everyone had told me and it was a definately relief when I got the all clear after having had it. Before I was imagining all sorts but at least it put my mind at rest.

Hope it all works out well for you.

03-11-13, 02:31
I got a test the last the last time I had an MRI, I just don't wanna go.

03-11-13, 11:48
With all due respect,

You have HA and have fears concerning your health. You actually have a health issue concerning your heart (one of the biggest fear triggers many HA sufferers have). You're due for a test (MRI) to help keep your heart issue in check but you're refusing to go because you have a fear of testing positive for HIV even though the chances are ridiculously slim to none that you could possibly have it?

I've not heard of having to have a blood test prior to an MRI and I've had several.

Good luck whatever you decide.

Daisy Sue
03-11-13, 15:54
As the others have said, there was also no blood test for me when I had my MRI earlier this year. It was my first MRI and I was quite worried about the actual scan, having heard & read horror stories about how unbearably loud it is... in the end it really wasn't that bad, and I'd have another one anytime it was suggested to me now.

Good luck - I think you should just go for it, but if you're worried, maybe phone the MRI department to have a chat about blood testing/screening and see if it is necessary.