View Full Version : Moles on face

31-10-13, 15:00
I'm 22y/o and since last year I keep getting new moles on my face, I've had about..6 in the last year I would say.
They aren't black, more of a brown colour, and none of them are raised they look like they're inside my skin.
I never had moles on my face before this and it doesn't really run in my family eithe, we are darker skinne, brown.

05-11-13, 00:03

07-11-13, 08:15
surely someone must know something about this?
Is it normal to get moles in early twenties? i am 22 never had moles on my face before but i got 6 new ones.
I keep getting ghem although the sun isnt even out anymore.

07-11-13, 08:23
RVP are they freckles or moles? It's really a dermatologist or doctor that you need to speak to.

You also need to do some work on your anxiety, I think part of the reason you get so few answers here these days is because you have new posts with new issues every few days and you don't seem to listen to the advice people give you. It's really time for you to work on your anxiety, not the health stuff x

07-11-13, 08:32
Actually, new moles are common up until the age of 30 :) At your age, new ones are not worrying in itself.

14-11-13, 19:45
Thank you for your replies,
but why haven i started getting about, 5 new ones on my face and ive found 3 new ones on my body

Many indians dont even get moles not anymore more than a couple so why am i getting more! and its the winter now..not like the suns been out.

Could this be a sign of melanoma cancer? theres a mole on my face which i dont know if thats burning/itching or its the spot ne t to it..