View Full Version : Must post for my own sanity!! HELP!!

31-10-13, 15:47
I have run out of ideas on how to help my anxiety issues so I have came here for support. Ever since I had my daughter I have had severe panic attacks that I thought I had under control until recently. Now my problem is that I think I am going to die everyday and that my heart is going to stop beating (silly I know but I cant help it!!). I am 30 years old and I tell myself all the time that I am healthy but I can not help but check my heart rate every few minutes. I have recently noticed that I have skipped beats that give me a dropping feeling in my chest. I also get tingling down my left arm and my chest feels heavy. I have been to the E.R and got blood tests done, a chest X-ray and EKG and all says I am well but I cant shake the feeling that something is wrong with my heart. I have four children that need me sane and I just want to fight this and be my happy self again!! I have an appt. in the upcoming month for my anxiety issues but everyday feels like a year. HELP!!! :confused::confused::confused:

31-10-13, 15:52
You have medical proof you are ok, and that's what you need to keep telling yourself.

You also need to stop checking your pulse. Even if you were going to die, checking that fact won't make any difference will it?

It's tough, but you need to be strict with yourself. Just let it be, and eventually it will pass.

31-10-13, 17:03
I know it is so silly...I even laugh about it sometimes but I can not get my mind to stop :( Thank you for the response, it did help me a little!! :)

31-10-13, 18:26
It's not silly................it's called "anxiety" and many on NMP have experienced the same as you (and that includes me)..............................look at the headings on the left hand side of this page and click on "anxiety" it will help trust me:)

31-10-13, 19:25
Thank you :) It was like reading an article that I wrote myself. I just hope to be able to kick this!!!

31-10-13, 21:23
You can kick this. Be patient with yourself and accept the fact that it's anxiety. So many of us on here feel the exact same way. You will find lots of help and understanding here.