View Full Version : introducing myself

31-10-13, 17:54
hello everyone i hope this is what i hope it is as my mental state is very fragile and on occasions i feel as though i may losing control.
I have been experiencing very unusual feelings of panic and feeling as if my body is telling me something is wrong, i have muscle spasms, heart pounding,feelings of helplessness and wanting to run away from myself?.
I have not seen a doctor about this yet but think i may have too soon as i cant seem to shrug off this feeling of something not being right.
I hope this is the place i need to be to share this as i feel i need too let out what it is i am feeling.

31-10-13, 18:22
Welcome:) This sounds very much like anxiety to me..............lots of us have suffered exactly the same way as you are now.
There is lots of support on here......try looking at the tabs on the left hand side of this page...there is one on "anxiety" which will help you to begin with.....and dont be afraid to see your Dr about this.


31-10-13, 18:27
:welcome:there is lots of help and support here

04-11-13, 00:03
Thank you for your welcome . in the best possible way its nice to know its not just me. i have been very worried and this site is a real god-send i feel better already. thank you

04-02-16, 01:32

I too am new to the site as of today. I have been thru a bad week and feel your pain.

I have been experiencing severe anxiety attacks/panic attacks since the birth of my son (30 years ago). I never wanted to admit it because I thought others would think me crazy, so I have "dealt" with it. Over the years and especially the last 2 it has gotten severely worse. I refuse to take ANY meds as I fear they will make me feel worse or add side effects that I cannot deal with. I lost my job a year ago (a good job as a manager). I am not a stupid person by any means but I fear going to the store, if I have to wait in line and someone comes up to wait behind me I immediately start to sweat, feel like I may faint in front of everyone etc.... If I go to the bank drive thru and the lines fill up and someone is then behind me and I feel boxed in I start to freak and have to talk to myself to get thru it. Crazy stuff ALL the time. I wont go anywhere alone, my spouse or kids or someone has to go with me or I wont leave???? I fear that I may get dizzy or pass out and they will call an ambulance. I cant take the thought of going to the emergency room and thinking they may keep me or something, I always get up and leave before being diagnosed. I am a mess and admit it but I keep trudging on every day hoping for a miracle. Sorry this is so long, there is much, much more but I will spare you. Hopefully we can conquer this together on this site or at least feel better! Maybe my story will make you feel better that you are not as bad as me!!:welcome:

04-02-16, 02:24
Hi, like to say I'm new here too and have found so much help already. It helps to know that I'm not the only one experiencing these strange crazy feelings. There is a ton of info here and great tips. I've had panic attacks over the last 15 yrs and have been able to conquer it and be free from the panic for years at a time......but each time it returns it brings different symptoms. So here I am again trying to conquer this paralyzing fear that brings on these panic symptoms!

torcol45, I know about the fear of going in supermarket or any place. If I have to wait in line I really panic. Today, I kept walking around the store till I saw the checkout line was empty! It's really miserable, but I have started the CBT4panic online course recommended here. Years ago I ordered some anxiety course that really helped me understand what was going on. It made a difference and like I said I was able to overcome the panic attacks at that time. I gave all that info to a friend which is why I'm trying the CBT. Also, there are some guided meditation / relaxation apps I've been using that's very helpful.