View Full Version : Severe Gad !!please help

31-10-13, 17:55
Hello from greece i had panic attacks in 2009 and with cipralex went away.but after 7 mtnhs stopping the cipralex came back like general anxiety(inside temmors the worst part,)

since now i am in hell.i ve tried seropram,cipralex lyrica(always with xanax)

now i am cymbalta for 45 days and ativan(we changed xanax) 4.5mg per day.my doctor added seroquel 100mg(50 day and 50 night).i cant stay calm any time of the day.

I would like to ask is there any hope for me??i am doing psyxotherapy also.
when seroquel kicks and how many days needs?
can i see improvment with cymbalta as the time passes my doctor want me to stay on cymbalta. or i have to change again.
i am trying to be in work trying to do things that i ve did last years

i dont feel so much depressed i know what i like i just want to be calm and i will immidiately start to live again.

thank you very much

31-10-13, 18:02
Hi welcome to NMP
You ask is there any hope for you and the answer is yes there is.
I am sure the psychotherapy will be a big help as will the medication once your body adjusts to it. It will get better. :hugs:

31-10-13, 18:06
Welcome....there is always hope ......and lots of advice and support on NMP:)

31-10-13, 18:17
do you think that after 45 days of cymbalta i exept more better things as the time pass?

and about the seroquel will help in a few days?

thanks all of you

31-10-13, 19:17
I would give the Seroquel a bit more time and hopefully you will see good results.

31-10-13, 19:25
i am on it 4 days on 50 xr and 3 days on 100xr do u think that kick after some days???

01-11-13, 17:41
Don't lose hope its hard I know I feel bad too at the moment but do try to stick with get psychotherapy and meds.

SarahH are those the meds your on?