View Full Version : Symptoms BETTER when stressed? :o

Orange Lightning
31-10-13, 18:05
A while ago I made a post asking about why my symptoms decreased when I was crying. Looking back on it the answer makes sense, however just today I felt very high levels of anger and stress in the workplace. During the whole time where I felt angry and stressed my symptoms of reflux (which have been going strong for a whole year now) actually decreased..! Maybe I'm just overlooking a simple answer, but how is this possible?

Thanks again :)

01-11-13, 03:54
I'm not sure ... I noticed this too. Probably when you are actually feeling angry / upset you are too pre-occupied to be noticing your reflux symptoms or whatever symptom that is worrying you because you are concentrated on other things. Therefore, I figure that when that concentrated stress is over you are back to dwelling on your physical symptoms which make them act up or become more noticeable as with anything you give your attention to.

Who knows!??!

01-11-13, 16:46
Perhaps you have simply expressed some of the difficult emotions (sadness - crying; frustration - anger; etc.) that were bottling up somewhere there for a longer while? Healthy expression of emotions can sometimes do wonders...