View Full Version : left arm pain - annoyed and scared

31-10-13, 21:22
hello everyone

just a quick one, maybe someone can offer some advice/reassurance?

i have woken up with arm pain this morning in my left arm, like a pulled muscle.
the pain is most uncomfortable in between my shoulder and my elbow.

i did go to the gym about 3 days ago and lifted weights i don't normally lift (nothing to heavy, but was probably a shock to the system), so the logical explanation is that i have pulled a muscle, i know that this happens often when you work out parts of the body in a new way and i have been sore since the gym visit, but my arm wasn't bothering me until now.

anyway, i cant help wondering if its a heart thing. even though i have had the all clear from doctor/cardiologist regarding my heart, and i am young and healthy as far as i know. also, the pain is not sharp, its more dull and uncomfortable, coming and going but has been hanging around for about an hour or so now...(the other muscle pains i had in my chest for the last couple of days have died down now).

should i be concerned? i do hope it is just a strained muscle and nothing serious :scared15: stupid anxiety!

31-10-13, 21:28
Take some pain killer and if the pain goes you'll know it was nothing to worry about. You could also put something warm on the area and see if that soothes it.

31-10-13, 22:23
That happens to me too, In addition to the chest pain still continuing. And this is is spite of a huge amount of heart related testing. I totally understand your anxiety about it as I still worry about mine, but it seems that your chest can have pain that radiates into your arms neck and shoulders and it can be no cause for concern.

31-10-13, 22:26
I get sharp shooting pain in my chest, that hurts like hell when I breath in. The pain travels to my neck and arm. It's always trapped wind. (doesn't stop me thinking it's a heart attack for a split second)