View Full Version : Really worried about confidentiality

31-10-13, 21:53
Oh no I'm so worried , I've been to my therapist today and stupidly told them about an incident that happened to me when I was small, I'm so worried that he is going to tell someone as when I went to my first appointment he said he has to report if I'm part if any child abuse or terrorism, I only told him it happened to me because I was sort of cornered into it, I have chose never to tell my parents and I'm worried it's going to come out would he have to tell me if he was going to report it :(

31-10-13, 21:59
If you are an adult now then they will not be able to break the confidentiality.

31-10-13, 22:04
Would imagine they meant they would report if you were involved in either now as an adult.

They hear about similar events all the time so try not to worry too much about it.

01-11-13, 11:59
yes he would have to tell you if he was going to break your confidentiality agreement and I do believe the only reason he would have to tell someone would be if you were a) in danger of harm NOW or b) you were involved in some plot to harm others

01-11-13, 13:41
I think you have misinterpreted the statement. The only break of confidence referred to in your case would be if he had reason to believe that you were involved in the acts mentioned, as in you being directly involved in the actual criminal activity.. Anyone as a victim ( but NOT the perpetrator) is of course privileged by confidentiality. You have nothing to worry about. Hope this helps.

01-11-13, 17:35
Thanks everyone, feel a little calmer about it, grrr wished i hadn't said anything because it doesn't really affect me just mentioned in passing that it was my earliest memory of health anxiety as I was convinced id got aids, but being 8 I didn't really understand, he now thinks this is the cause but I don't really think it is, although at the time I lived in fear for weeks or months that id caught aids can still remember the sick feeling now, somebody on eastenders had it at the time so it was really at the for front of my mind, really wouldnt want my parents knowing and deffo not my husband x

01-11-13, 17:44
I think it is a good thing that you told him because it is bound to have had an effect on you. My therapist is adamant that we deal with these issues and that too many people try and bury them. You were the victim and he is there to help you, not report you. I wish you well. X

01-11-13, 17:50
Yes, that is correct. The only time they would break that confidentiality would be if is was ongoing and/or they believed you to be in any danger.

01-11-13, 20:09
I'm studying to become and child and youth counsellor so when we work with clients who are children or adolescents we let them know that everything they say if confidential unless it means they are hurting themselves, someone is hurting them, or they are hurting others.

So, unless you are an adult now I doubt your therapist will break the confidentiality.