View Full Version : Boil - MRSA?

31-10-13, 23:42
OK, I know this is horrible but I've had what I can only assume is a boil on the top of my bottom cheek for about 3 - 4 weeks now. I first thought it was just a nasty spot so left it alone. It calmed down after a few weeks but it has flared up again and has gone inflamed and tender. It looks like a red ball on my bottom.

I'm going to phone the doctor tomorrow morning to see if I can get an appointment but upon Googling boils I saw that they can potentially be dangerous and cause blood poisoning and kill you. So now I'm panicking that I've left this boil stay there for so long that I've increased by chances of having blood poisoning. Is it bad that it's been there for nearly a month and I've done nothing about it?

:( xxx

01-11-13, 08:05
Hi please don't panic I had something similar last year it sounds like a pilonidal cyst if its below your tailbone or a perianal abscess depending on where it is located' you will need to go to The doc as I left mine and I had a very high fever because of it. They will put you on antibiotics and it will disappear' but please don't worry' try mixing turmeric paste and honey pop it on boil and cover with gauze leave it on a few hours and it should come to ahead do not squeeze it you will be fine and nothing will happen to you but you will need to contact the docs wish you well !!

01-11-13, 12:57
I should really practice what I preach here, as I am an avid googler but you can put ANY symptoms into google and the result will come back as some form of cancer. In may I had glue ear and I went to the doctor who told me that it was nothing to worry about. I told him that I was panicked by it and his reply was that if google was reliable then the world would be empty of people because we will have all died of cancer. It is hard to resist but ANYONE can post things on the internet and the majority of them are aware people use the internet as a form of self diagnosis and they play on that. ANY symptom can be a sign of cancer but you have to remember that, like Wikipedia, medical site on the internet are full of crap!