View Full Version : calming activities anyone?

31-10-13, 23:58
Hello everyone..

I have way too many psychological symptoms of anxiety..

Has anybody learnt or taught themselves any activities that can help to relax themselves on the onset of these symptoms? (such as lump in throat sensation, dry mouth etc)

I need to learn to relax and I don't know how to do this????

01-11-13, 00:19
hi there

all i can say is that when you get those feelings coming to the surface , is to get a glass of water find a calm enviroment and try you best to relax and think positive thoughts and anything good you have coming up. Try to remain calm listen to soft music or talk radio quietly and allow yourself time to relax. hopefully this will ease the feelings of anxiety allow them to pass.
This helps me so may help you, i hope you find a way of dealing with anxiety as i know its awful but i do think i can be controlled and positive thinking isalways a good thing ....good luck.

01-11-13, 01:14
I learned a tapping technique called Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) that is particularly good for situations like the beginning of a panic or if you're feeling a new symptom. Actually you can use it for anything in your life, but I use it mainly to cut off panic or to reduce pain.

There are loads of free videos on YouTube that will teach you how to do it. It looks weird, but it's genuinely worked for me so I don't question it! It was a counsellor who taught me about it originally, and now I'm reading more about it myself with a book called The Tapping Solution.

You could give it a try a couple of times and see if it helps :)

Daily meditation practice is also wonderful for anxiety, it will calm your mind and soothe your nervous system. It's a fantastic way of reducing anxiety on a long term basis.

01-11-13, 16:54
Some people find taking (very) deep breaths useful as it stops hyperventilation (a typical bodily reaction to what we interpret as anxiety provoking). I think relaxation is something that can be practiced - allocate a few minutes daily for this purpose. Lay down, close your eyes, breathe deeply, think of yourself getting more and more relaxed, and listen to relaxing music... Practice makes perfect! :) Will get easier in other situations too!