View Full Version : 'Something Positive' - MindScribble

01-11-13, 03:21
A short story first. I have been up and down for years. I won't go into too much detail, you know what I mean. I have experienced so much from depression, it's gave me the symptoms we all know about. Not being able to get up out of bed, no motivation. A bleak outlook on the world in general. Feeling so negative.
I wouldn't wish this on anyone, it's a slow and painful disease and there is nothing worse than feeling like it will never go away. And i'm not saying mine has. I don't know what this is. All of a sudden, it's gone. There is no cure and I know that it cannot just go. I think this is the calm before the storm. I find it very hard to explain things like. Even if this is just going to last a few days, i'm happy right now. It's overwhelming. Enjoy! Feedback I would love, please let me know what you think. Has this happened to you? Is this normal? Apologies for poor writing, this is my mindscape at the moment, it's natural and I feel it is better this way.

'I feel the complete opposite to the way i felt just a few days ago. My fear has not completely gone, I fear it coming
back! I'm overwhelmed with love and positivity and I just can't shut up. All this negative energy just seems to have
gone on holiday and left me alone, and I hope they lose their passports!
I still feel like i'm in a bubble, but i'm comfortable in it. I don't see wanting
to escape as a negative thing now. It wouldn't be to disapear and be forgotten now, it would be just to be out in the
world, seing new things and hopefully breathing in its positive energy. My brain no longer feels cluttered with
imaginary problems alongside trivial existing ones. I'm thinking about things so clearly now, my thought process doesn't
seem to be a busy motorway now, it's like a magical pathway and every thought can stroll to it's destination freely
and all of my senses feel fantastic.
Everything tastes better, everythings so, I don't no, just better! I'm now living in a dream world.
Any problems in the world I think about
now are not unsolvable now, just difficult to control, but I can live with the hope of there one day being a solution.
I feel far too sensitive. The last few days have been very strange. I feel like I have this world
in my hand and I just want to nurture it. I want to be friends with everyone. I no longer want to judge. I have
laughed more in the last few hours than I have all year. Everything seems magical. I'm sitting on my couch in the
living room, overwhelmed by it's comfort! I don't understand where this has come from, i'm scared to open my mouth
because i have far too much positivity oozing out of me people must think i'm strange. I don't feel like a normal
functioning human being, I don't think anyone has ever felt this much positivity. Even using that word seems strange,
i'm writing this in black but i'm seing colour all over the screen. I'm living in a fantasy and i'm not sure wether
I like it. I'm co-existing in this dreamland, whilst spirits, or holograms are around me from the real world. Am I too
far gone? Is this bad? I take comfort in a way, but I do wonder what it would be like to be someone else. To function
like someone else. Why am I so disconnected from reality? Is this really a bad thing? If I can live here, where I am,
and still interact with these people and continue my relationships, can I stay here? Is that ok? I like it, in a way.
It doesn't feel natural. Is it strange that I am writing this down. I'm not ashamed. I'd like to think if someone
were to read this, they would relate. If they didn't, I feel for them. I can't draw roads with my fingers or open
doors with my mind. But here, I am the main character in Matthew's life. I don't want control. If I could stay here,
I could do marvelous things to their world. I can do whatever I set my mind to. I can help out, contribute.'