View Full Version : Tinnitus anyone?

01-11-13, 09:45
It's rare I get this symptom but when I do it's if I'm feeling stressed or very worked up.

I have anxiety daily but normal anxious feelings. Today I was thinking about something from last year, my heart was racing for an hour but I carried on as normal because I knew why it was fast. Then my ears started to ring and feel feel full of pressure which made me panic so I lay down. I know from the past that this symptom hits when I'm very stressed more than just anxious and what I was thinking about was very stressful. I know it happens due to my blood pressure rising with the stress. It still scares me though and I can't just carry on as normal with it, I guess because it's not a symptom of anxiety I've heard others suffer with so I panic:/

So does anyone else get this pressure and ringing in the ears when highly stressed or anxious? I hope it's normal. I get it rarely but when I do it frightens me a lot.

01-11-13, 11:44
Hi, im going through a relapse at the moment and a very high anxiety state, for the last two weeks my tinnitus has been at its loudest. I have had tinnitus since my nervous breakdown 10 years ago. you are not alone x

01-11-13, 12:24
Thank you. Sorry to hear you're suffering too. At least we know it's just linked to anxiety and high stress levels but it's still horrible.x

01-11-13, 13:11
I get it a lot, and I know it's to do with neck/shoulder tension.

If I 'gurn' (don't ask), or basically pull an odd face with a forced smile my ears ring so much I can barely hear, which is how I found out the tinnitus was muscle related!

01-11-13, 13:39
I think I have a small ear infection as, recently, when I get stressed I get funny pressure changes in my ear (like you need to yawn to pop your ears). No idea why it happens, just does. So I'd say it's normal :)

01-11-13, 14:28
It is very common to get either pulsating tinnitus or the ringing kind with anxiety. I get it randomly especially when I am anxious, if I practice distraction and try and keep occupied it disappears.

01-11-13, 15:09
Thank you all so much. I feel much better about it after speaking to my friend who also suffers and all of your replies have really helped reassure me.

I am very tense today and that has caused them to ring, the back of my head is so tight and tense which of course leads to the jaw and ears being affected.

I was just so tense thinking about last year and how well I was and feeling angry that since being attacked by a family member I have had to suffer from PTSD and agoraphobia. I saw this family member last night at a family halloween party so I guess that has stirred my emotions, when it took alot for me to even go to the party as I still struggle with going out to certain places.

Thank you all so much xxx

01-11-13, 15:47
I've had anxiety for about 18 months and never suffered from tinnitus until 2 weeks since and have had it constantly since then. I also have the pressure in my ears - almost like someone is pushing cotton wool but from the inside - very odd feeling and really annoying!!

01-11-13, 17:34
Thanks Chris. Horrible isn't it. Hope you feel better soon:)

Mr Mannering
06-11-13, 17:39
My tinnitus has been constant for about a year nearly. I have come to terms that it will probably never go away. I have been checked over and await an MRI scan for it later this month to check any nasty causes etc... luckily for me it only becomes a pain in the ass when I am in a quite room alone otherwise outside noise cancels it out.