View Full Version : citalopram day 1

janey jane
01-11-13, 10:45
I have just started taking these tablets, I used to have flouxetine which were ok just made me tired, I have not had any meds for about a year now and doctor has put me on 10 mg of citalopram because I said the others used to make me tired,, im quite worried now about taking a tablet im not used to , because I now have 2 young children to look after hubby works away and I'm more anxious now ever I have a slight headache and keep feeling nauseus and a bit 'panicy' any good support will be much appreciated thank you :blush:

jenny kilden
01-11-13, 11:01
Hi jane. The start up can be unpleasant , so be prepared for any side effects. They do go away, I'm on week 5 now and am feeling much better. It's hard the first few weeks, but stick with it x if you don't mind me asking, why has the doc put you on cit?
X maybe it would be a good idea to tell a friend or family member so you can get a bit of help here n there in the beginning few weeks x

01-11-13, 11:17
I'm nearing the end of my second week of citalopram. The side effects haven't been pleasant but neither has my anxiety and depression. I'm determined to stick with it, as I know this can help me. I am told that it will take a couple of months to feel better and that is okay with me. Hang in there and give the medicine a chance to work. You will find lots of support on here for the issues.

01-11-13, 11:42
your gonna have a hard time of it hun because u will be getting some withdrawals from one med and the start up side effects of another, it really does take a good couple of months to have an effect an in the time its a bumpy road, with raised anxiety and other side effects, i have 3 kids hun and its bloody hard, but u will come out the other side, the good news it the nausea will only last around 9 to 10 days and then it eases, but it is manageable, i lost my appetite for around 3 months but i lost a lot of weight so i cant complain, i didnt feel like eating much at all so for a while i lived on slim fast shakes as its just a milk shake, but its also a meal replacement and will keep you going if u cant manage to eat. i noticed a big diff at about 5 weeks after i upped my dose at 3 weeks to 20mg, then most of the raised anxiety ended, but it was still an up and down road till 3 months, then it really settled, by 5 months it is doing its job well, so stick with it babe, if you have any worries and need someone to speak to just pm me xxx


janey jane
01-11-13, 14:52
I have been on and off them for about 5 years, started on mirtazapine then went onto fluoxetine , ive stopped and started as I have had 2 children in between and found them easy to come off . I am on them for panic and anxiety , which seems to be worse lately just due to stress overdoing it, pmt and not relaxing/resting enough. I was ok on the flux but this time when going on them I mentioned to doc that made me tired so she suggested trying something else. I am only on 10 mg

---------- Post added at 14:52 ---------- Previous post was at 14:18 ----------

Hi jane. The start up can be unpleasant , so be prepared for any side effects. They do go away, I'm on week 5 now and am feeling much better. It's hard the first few weeks, but stick with it x if you don't mind me asking, why has the doc put you on cit?
X maybe it would be a good idea to tell a friend or family member so you can get a bit of help here n there in the beginning few weeks x
when does it get better Is itafter week 1 2 or more please?

01-11-13, 14:55
Hi Janey, I'm on 30mg upped from 20mg almost 4 weeks ago. Like the others said it is a bumpy road but IMO worth it. I had 3 good days this week but today I'm anxious agin and no appetite. But I find looking back at where I was 3 weeks ago helpful when I'm having a bad day. 3 weeks ago I couldn't get out of bed! So today, even though I don't feel wonderful, it is an improvement from even 1 week ago. I know I'll have good and bad days but I hope after a few more weeks I'll start feeling well again. This is a great site to use, I've found it very helpful especially in the early days. Good luck and always here to listen xx

01-11-13, 18:20
Hi :) I'm on Citalopram also, been on them just over a year, got bumped up to 30mg 8 weeks ago Side effects wear off after about 4 weeks, I am a single parent to a 6 year old so I understand your worry but once they are in your system you will be fine :) hope this helps?

janey jane
02-11-13, 17:10
thanks luci im having a better day today x

03-11-13, 00:55
Hey, I'm on day 39 of 20mg and I've had a good few days but today has been horrible. Feeling dizzy, sick and just overthinking things and almost having a full blown panic attack. And I'm now struggling to sleep.

But it does get better hopefully tomorrow is better and hope you don't get many side effects! :)