View Full Version : Buzzing/vibrating in my tailbone/hip

01-11-13, 10:50
Hi all

First of all can I start by saying that I have suffered several bouts of anxiety over the years, loads of physical symptoms etc and each time I have always come through that dark tunnel where all my symptoms have gone and I lead a normal life. I know what sets off my anxiety now and often its just a case of watching for the warning signs. Sometimes though, I miss those signs.

Please know that if you are suffering either mentally or physically with anxiety, you can return to a normal life - I have done it many times before.

However a few weeks back all my usual factors came into play, I missed the initial warning signs and slipped into a period of minor anxiety. Certainly not the worst I have ever experienced (as I have learnt to control it when it does) but I had some physical manifestations of anxiety nonetheless, which were a slight numb patch on my head and shoulder; a few sleepless nights and inner trembling.

During this bout, which has virtually abated now (due to the control measure I implement - I call it 'implementing Defcom 1) I started getting this buzzing/vibrating sensation deep inside my backside, somewhere above my right hip socket, which progressively gets worse towards the end of the day. Its more noticeable when I sit.

I do not believe it is MS or anything sinister medically; I'm physical quite fit; eat well; dont drink or smoke and take plenty of vitamins.

Obviously Ive become a bit fixated on it; searching for internet clues etc and whilst common sense tells me its anxiety (my calf muscle nerves twitching as well - often a sign of nervous energy) because this is a new symptom I have experienced I'm kind of concerned.

Has anyone else ever experienced this?
Is it anxiety related?
Will it go away in time?
How did it take?
How to stop thinking about something (real hard when your sitting on it!)

Any advice greatly appreciated!

01-11-13, 13:43
I've never heard of that being a symptom of anxiety, although I have broken my tailbone before by falling on my a** on concrete, when it healed it was the only I had that sensation. Have you fallen over recently?

I'm intrigued by your thinking process, regarding 'its just a case of watching for the warning signs'. Do you think being on guard this much is possibly what's triggering the anxiety? I find ignoring the warning signs to be helpful, because if it comes you can go 'Ow, it's back, never mind, let's ride with it' and carry on going like the anxiety is not there. Keeping up a guard cannot be helpful.

01-11-13, 15:32
No I've not fallen. Doing a log of jogging though. I'm not so much on guard for anxiety, what I mean is being on guard for the life style factors that get me down and then anxiety bites.

My life factors are - changes at work; family issues.