View Full Version : Heart or stomach

01-11-13, 11:44
I'm having a rough time with worry about my heart. I had some horrible palpitations yesterday which were really dramatic. Very forceful heart spasms which scared the life out of me.

I'm not sure whether I am having esophagial spasms or whether its my heart. Does anyone suffer with stomach complaints? It's not burning like heartburn. It's also where I imagine my heart is. So far I'd just ignored these odd spasms as my digestive system being upset but now I'm beginning to question whether its actually my heart as I've had skipped beats in the same place these 'indigestion' pains are. I can't really describe properly what it feel like either other than mild spasms in the centre of my upper chest which I assumed were linked to eating and perhaps my esophagus going into spasms as it feel like something moves up and down? And sometimes I get a burp every now and then when I move positions.

01-11-13, 11:55
I get grumblings in the centre of my chest which makes me think I am having heart flutters. Normally after a curry, so I put it down to wind.

01-11-13, 11:59
Hi MummyA,

This is the monkey on your back. Your heart, palps, pains in the chest. Your stomach etc. I know you've been to the doctor and you're fine. It's just a shame your anxiety puts you in the rut you're in. Sorry to hear it's got you again :(

Positive thoughts and prayers

01-11-13, 12:13
I can get skipped beats when I have a rush of gas come up my windpipe. I've felt them.

But I am getting these pains in the upper centre of my chest. It's mild, not excruciating. And it often comes with my stomachs feeling like its rising, but would I feel my stomach up so high? Would the discomfort be referred that far up?

I know I've started to worry more since our discussion fishmanpa. And that is no way a go at you at all. I really am grateful for your words as I've said before. But I've had some really forceful beats lately that have felt like proper squeezes, spasms and I'm worried they're not normal.
I'm going through a hard personal time at the moment so that accounts for my anxiety but I'm worried about all this year of stress and the damage its done to my heart I really am.

01-11-13, 12:54
Mummyanxious you know that I've experienced the same things as you and the cardiologist explained it to me like this: there are nerves that run up your body along your stomach and up past your heart. The acid from your reflux irritates these nerves and can set off the heart palpitations or muscle twitches/pain the the whole area. It's harmless, but annoying. You need to take care of the reflux issues and accept what your doctors are telling you.

You're also aware of the fact that anxiety causes heart palpitations, so combined with the reflux it's really no surprise that you're feeling this way.

Feeling your stomach up high is also something I've experienced with reflux, and generally it has happened if I was very anxious, just as you have been lately. Your heart is a powerful organ and can withstand a lot. But you need to deal with your stress, over many years it can do you damage - not directly to your heart in the way that you think, but in lowering your immune system and putting your body under strain I'm different ways.

You seriously need to work on the underlying issues, people here have given you countless posts of advice and reassurance. It's time for you to begin helping yourself too.

01-11-13, 14:07
I am dealing with the same EXACT thing. I can feel my heart skipping and along with the chest pain, it has resulted in me being extremely worried something is wrong with my heart. I have been told I am fine but the thought won't pass. This all started after one panic attack. So sorry you are dealing with this as I know how it consumes you.

01-11-13, 21:52
Thank you all for your replies. I have spent the evening with palps and squeezing sensations again. It gets to the point where I can't distinguish what is normal anymore.
I'm reading Claire weekes book again at the moment.