View Full Version : Panic attacks

03-11-06, 12:59
Well I woke up to another panic attack. I am so affraid of taking meds that I work myself into an attack. I called the counsler and its going to be two weeks before I can even make an appointment.[V] I need someone to talk to so bad and to just get out all my feelings.[Sigh...] I am having a very bad day already and its only 8:00. I wish my hubby were home. I feel like I could just burst out in tears right now, my body has like rush of adreniline and I just cant calm down.:( Im so glad I have you guys to talk to when times are rough which seems like all the time.

I am so glad to have someone to talk to who goes through the same thigns I do.

03-11-06, 13:04
HI Lyndsey

Sorry to hear you are having a bad day, sending you a HUG Lyndsey, try and be strong, try to do something to take your mind off things, we are all here if you need a chat, pm me anytime.



03-11-06, 13:23
Thanks Andrea. You guys have already calmed me down a little. Thats why I love this board.

I am so glad to have someone to talk to who goes through the same thigns I do.

03-11-06, 13:30
HI LINDSEY, we,re here for you , try and thnk happy thoughts i,m sure your hubby will be home shortly. a big hug coming your way.lorraine. [smile though your heart is aching]:D

03-11-06, 14:34
Hi Lyndsy,

Sorry to hear how you were feeling this morning, how are you feeling now?

Its dame hard morning anxiety :( you said you felt like bursting into tears. When you feel very tearfull, cry, let your emotions go, have a good cry. Crying releases a natral hormone which helps us calm down. Keeping these emotions in will not help you, so have a good cry at these times.

I know it may sound strange when you feel sooo low, but when you get a rush of ddreniline it needs to be used up. Try putting you favorate song on and have a dance. Do some house work to work the adreniline off. Put as many happy thoughts into your head as possible. I know this can be hard but keep pushing them in.

BIG (((( HUGS ))) with lots of smilies coming your way :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D



03-11-06, 14:48
Hi lyndsay,

There's a lot of us out there going through similar things, you are by no means alone, it can feel like it sometimes although deep down we know its not true.

I've just been off the phone with my dad and he's made me feel really good, he made me ask myself what's the worst that could happen. I realised the worst thing is that i could have another panic attack and that's all, and once i realised this then i suddenly felt a lot better. I'm getting used to the feelings once again and eventually i know they will go for a while, each time we are better equiped to deal with it.

We are normal, it takes a lot of convincing but we are!

Take Care,


----Time exists just on your wrists so don't panic ----

03-11-06, 23:53
Sorry to hear you had a bad day.(((((((((((((((((BIG HUG FOR YOU))))))))));)

Ellen XX

09-11-06, 23:50
Lyndsey I have these things happn to me Iget 3 or 4 a day mostly mornings not very nice but I treid a breathing excercise and it seemed
to help me a lot
A quick deep breath in and slowly breath out useing your lips air to pressurise outgoing air about 7 - 8 secs and this works fine for me
you can do this in public and people dont notice this and for it seems to work better than a bag and I get calm much quicker
Hope this helps

09-11-06, 23:52
Lyndsey I have these things happn to me Iget 3 or 4 a day mostly mornings not very nice but I treid a breathing excercise and it seemed
to help me a lot
A quick deep breath in and slowly breath out useing your lips air to pressurise outgoing air about 7 - 8 secs and this works fine for me
you can do this in public and people dont notice this and for it seems to work better than a bag and I get calm much quicker
Hope this helps