View Full Version : Anxiety Returning

01-11-13, 12:23
Hi there,

I haven't posted on these boards in a while as I've been keeping myself extremely busy, and I've had the pleasure of being anxiety free for the last couple of months until recently it has returned. I would base it's return down on a few things, going out and drinking with friends on student nights again, and going to bed at pretty much 4 AM most mornings. I went out last night and I was just walking around the club crippled with the 'what ifs'

'what if someone has spiked me?'
'what if I have a stroke now?'

But lately I have been obsessing on this, 'what if I just forget where I am, who I am, and everything around me'

Is this possible? could I just wake up one morning and not know where I am or who I am or the area around me? I often get 'derealization' where things that I see everyday seem foreign, i.e. normal drive to work, and it feels strange.

Anyway, I'm in desperate help! is this possible? or is my anxiety just taking me weird places?

Scheif. x

01-11-13, 15:45
Definitely anxiety....get some rest:)

01-11-13, 22:34
What u studying? Or is it your friends? Because it is hard to get through uni with no wild student nights or afternoons in a pub!

But - stay off the booze & go to bed at 9pm, eat better & read or find a hobby.