View Full Version : quinetine

anx mum
01-11-13, 21:05
My doctor has started me on a new drug quinetine abit worried as been on it before and think it made me feel dizzy. Has anyone had good experiences on it?

01-11-13, 22:23
Is that the correct spelling of it?

01-11-13, 22:23
I also asked you a question on your other post Bev

01-11-13, 23:49
I've not heard of quinetine before so can't really offer any help with that one Bev, I am on quetiapine though, do you perhaps mean that one hun?? :hugs:


anx mum
02-11-13, 21:06
yeah sorry thats the one? Sorry about spelling god its making me feel sick and v dizzy how have u been on it?

02-11-13, 21:15
What dose are you on please Bev??

I take 100mgs, slow release at night.

It can make you feel a little strange at first, I felt a little "spaced out" for a few days but that soon passed hun, and now I don't even know that I'm on it.

I'd give it a good try, let yourself get used to it and see how you go, I know that it does help me with my anxiety so it's well worth trying with it hun :hugs:

anx mum
02-11-13, 21:22
On 50mg then he wants me to go up to 100mg than after 5 days 150mg than after another 5 days 200mg ive been on it before made me feel really strange sweating/felt sick and really dizzy felt wide awake too how long do they take to work?

02-11-13, 22:55
It didn't take too long for it to start working for me hun.

All of those side effects should disappear after a few days really.

Sometimes it's hard to know whether what we're feeling is side effects or anxiety, cos that too, can give you all of those symptoms.

If you can hun, I'd recommend giving them a good few weeks and then see how you feel with them, keep in close contact with your doctor so that they can see how your going with them.

I hope that you find that they help you Bev :hugs:

anx mum
03-11-13, 18:41
Thanks auntiemoosie think im gonna try again with them just abit weary as they kept me awake and felt so sick with them.

04-11-13, 21:04
im on 25mg, anymore than that and im shattered for most of the day..

anx mum
04-11-13, 21:27
im bk on this drug doc started me off on 50mg and it will increase im abit weary as made me feel sick, dizzy and v tired. But i suppose i gotta try