View Full Version : General aches and pains

01-11-13, 21:11
Okay my HA is quite under control for the most of it, and has been for the past...week.

I'm going to list where I get aches and pains and please tell me if there's anything you find a cause for concern. I'm not looking for a diagnoses or anything just anything you may think could treat it i.e something I can eat or massage ect.

Okay so I been getting upper back pain, stabbing pain and pressure in both shoulder blades and sometimes between them.
Stabbing pain under my right sometimes left armpit.
Stabbing pain in both my biceps
And now I keep getting muscle twitches in my legs and arms.

These pains aren't constant, they will come and go, maybe last for 5/10mins and maybe.. once in a minute for a couple of seconds.
Sometimes it will happen a couple of times a day sometimes just once.

These symptoms have lasted for about.. 2 weeks now when I had quite a bad cold/fever.
Thanks :)

01-11-13, 22:24
Dear RVP, I have had this a lot and went to the doctor and he told me it's normal it's a reaction in the muscles because of tension. When I get this I usually get a hot water bottle which helps or have a nice warm bath may help heat always helps. Also about the back pain a massage may help this if you can even a friend or someone giving you a quick massage may relieve part of the muscular tension. :) stay strong xx

23-05-14, 12:15
Hi - I know this is an old post. I'm new to this site, but I have had a whole raft of symptoms now from aching all over, to bachache, to sensations in my leg. I hit a real low a few weeks back after a water infection, but then with lots of tlc, I managed to feel a bit better (only a bit but it was progress). Today I am aching in my shoulders and arms and upper back. The rational part of me thinks this could be because I spent a couple of hours hunched over my laptop last night typing up a CV. However the irrational part of me is now panicking that I am back where I was a few weeks ago before the water infection. That started with general aches and went on to be the worst couple of weeks of my life. Aside from the physical symptoms, I really felt I lost my grip on reality.
We had a trip planned to London for my son's 6th birthday which me and my husband and 2 sons went on, and I spent the whole time feeling spaced out and thinking I was probably dying from some pain or other in my body.
I'm just looking for some reassurance, but I know from reading many of your posts of the last few days that I need to work on being my own reassurer.
Anxiety is hard to shake.:scared15: