View Full Version : Hi there folks

02-11-13, 02:33
Hi everyone, just a quick post to introduce myself.

I'm 28 and from the UK. I have suffered with various mental health problems throughout my life. Currently my life is better than ever (touch wood) but my problems with anxiety have remained and recently begun to get worse again.

Ironically I am a fully trained mental health worker.

I am currently very aware that I am constantly leaning on those closest to me for support and reassurance, not only is this counter productive but also very stressful for them. So I am here to simply join in. I wish to discuss problems with people who understand exactly what anxiety can do to a person.

I'm getting anxious about this post now, so basically....hello :unsure:

02-11-13, 03:37
:welcome:to NMP
Be good to have a chat about anxiety, you still up at this time....I tend
to drop off to sleep then wake feeling anxious

02-11-13, 05:40
Hi SubjectPink,

Welcome to the community and thanks for sharing! I remember being anxious with my first post too. I'm sure mine wasn't nearly as coherent as yours, so it's all good :)

I have found a huge amount of support here, both directly from other members, or indirectly just from reading some of the threads.

It'll be great to have someone from the profession on board, as well as a fellow sufferer. Enjoy your time here :)

04-11-13, 17:47
Hi. Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you'll benefit from being here, just as I have.

04-11-13, 18:13
Welcome to NMP:D Hope you get as much help on here as I have.

04-11-13, 18:22
Hi :welcome: to the forum, sure you will get loads of help and support on here .