View Full Version : Fatal disease or anxiety symptoms?

03-11-06, 14:16
Hi guys

I just need to offload here for a bit and chat to you guys. Also need your viewpoint on a couple of things. I've suffered from anxiety for years now and it exasperared recently...in the past couple of years. I've also had a problem with twitching recently which I today saw a neurologist for. I've always been a bit twitchy...usually though when I'm very tired or trying to get to sleep. However in the summer my Incapacity Benefit was taken off me and my anxiety went sky high. As a result my GP upped my anti depressants and following that I started twitching so badly my whole body would contort. I told him about it and he lowered my dose. The twitching subsided but was still there. Usually it's just my head twitching to one side or a finger or two lifting up voluntarily. When I saw the neurologist today though he warned me that there is a possibility it might be Huntington's disease which terrified me as it's fatal. He also told me to think about whether I want to be tested for it or not as there's no cure or treatment and knowing you have it can be worse than not knowing. I had about 20 blood tests today (not exaggerating) for everything else though and as a result ( I hate blood) got very anxious. My twitching also worsesd by 100% . I have since read (oh yes a lot has hapenned in a short time) that twitching is aften associated with anxiety. I found that slightly consolling. I also hear that irritability is associated with anxiety. I often get bouts of unprovoked rage you see so I'm wondering wher that is also associated with anxiety. If it was that would also be consolling as rage is a symptom of Huntingtons. I actually appear to have most of the symptoms (I'm not imaging it they are actually there) although the neurologist didn't think I had it he just said it's a possibility and that's why he's testing I guess as they have to test for everything. Anybody has twitching or bouts of rage?

piglits pal
03-11-06, 15:55
Sitting here twitching my legs right now.

Yes I also get very angry. I have anxiety. Nothing else.

You say the twitching got worse when your drugs were increased. And when you were highly stressed. That would be concurrent with anxiety. Your specialist will test you for any condition that match your symptoms but remember all of your symptoms are indicative of anxiety and stress.

Hope that helps.

03-11-06, 17:56
You say you're twitching your legs piglits...are you doing it on purpose or because you're resetless? I get resetless legs but that's a seperate thing. Mine are involuntary movements. For instance I was lying down once with my arm accross my chest. It then flung itself (as if attached to a string) out to my side. I've also had the lower half of my body turn itself around by itself. Mostly (when I'm not too stressed) the twitching only effects my fingers (they twitch upwards once then back down again) and my head which jerks off to the left and back again.

03-11-06, 19:53
Hi Polly,

Try these posts they may help:

twitching (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3103)
Muscle Twitches (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2219)
Acne and Twitching (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4963)
jerky twitchy movements (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6987)
jerky/ twitches (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7352)

Eye twitch
Twitching Eye (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3313)
eye tic (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6657)



04-11-06, 00:01
Hi it does sound like anxiety,as it affects us in allsorts of ways.I have feelings of rage quite alot,so your not alone.;)

Ellen XX

05-11-06, 09:48
Hmm...seeems like it is quite comon then. Unless we all have Hodgkinsons [B)]

I think at this rate I need to get myself to a psychiatrist or at least psychologist. I'm on my second counsellor now and she is not helping at all. It seems ot me that they just take a shot in the dark. The last time I saw her she actually said "I don't think you want to change". I mean what a thing to say. I mean she's right...no I don't want to change...there's nothing about me I want to change...what I want to do it heal. What a thing to say though! She seems to think of my anxiety as a self inflicted personality trait which is the very thing I told her it wasn't. And now it's getting so bad it's making me physically ill so thats why I think I need to see a psychiatrist. This counsekllor seems ot want to tackle the symptoms instead of the disease so to speak. The last one kept telling me I had an attitue problem. I've had enough now.

05-11-06, 12:46
I am sitting here twitching as I read. Though mine is voluntary I can stop when I realise I'm doing it. I do it nearly all day. I feel a buzz inside me all the time. I'm on seroxat, but I know the twitching is anxiety and adrenaline. (my body is trying to get rid of it somehow).

I am interested to read about the rage though. I feel like I have PMS only its all the time! I can be happy to, but am easily irritated. I was wondering whether that was a side effect of seroxat, but thanks to your post I can relax and relate it to anxiety. Thanks.


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.


06-11-06, 12:06
Yup I get restless legs as well but deep down I know and can tell I'm doing it but the twitching is as if somebody is moving me by remote control. The worst one was when my whole body started convulsing and wouldn't stop. Also I had a hot cup of tea in my hand once and my arm flung itself upwards and the tea went everywhere. Another time I was sitting next to someone on the bus and my arm flung up and I hit her in the face.

The rage I spoke about (in Hodgkinsons) usually appears when a person is in mid-late stages of dimentia (I since found out) which I am obviously not. In fact my mind is working better than ever on a creative and itillectual level. I therefore can only put it down to anxiety. Can I ask you guys...what started your anxiety off and are you seeing a counsellor for it?

06-11-06, 19:01
My best friend is a counsellor, so rather than shelling out $$, I just call her! Not technically the best because she can't be 100% impartial. I've always had it. I can't remember NOT having my bouts of irrational terror.

06-11-06, 20:58
I can't say for certain about what started me off. But I have low self esteem, and had depression on and off for years. Holding onto my emotions and keeping everything in doesn't help.

I have seen a counsellor in the past for depression which I found useful at the time. I am on the waiting list for counselling for anxiety now, though I am not sure how it will help, and not keen (still) to talk about the things that really bother me in case they laugh at me and tell me to pull myself together. (wow! that was almost too honest) I'll post before i change my mind!


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

06-11-06, 21:49

In the past ive suffered with twiching eyes and restless leg. I do get very angry and irritated at times and often find that my legs and arms are constantly tapping and moving when im feeling very bad. Although i have not experienced it to the same degree as you i do have a friend who has anxiety and he suffers from very bad twiching. Arms, legs, eyes, everything. In fact he finds it hard to sit still and i dont think that he can help it!. he has had this problem for a long time so i know that it is also a symptom of anxiety. Obviously the doctors know best and if you decide to have the tests for huntingtons or not is up to you. but just remember that it is also an anxiety symptom.


07-11-06, 09:49
Hi Michelle

thanks for that...I think to be honest I've made myself ill by putting up with too much and bottling things up. I'm a very strong person and sometimes this has worked against me in a way as I nevr stop and say right I've had enough or I need support or I need to rest or I need help. I think my brain and nervous system had taken so much of a bashing that its wires are crossed now and it can't function the way it should.

11-01-07, 18:46
Finally got my test results back. It was all very scary...had to sign a consent form and everything. Anyway I haven't got Huntingtons. Am waiting for one more test result then if that comes back all clear I think it might all be put down to anxiety.

12-01-07, 20:10
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi Michelle

thanks for that...I think to be honest I've made myself ill by putting up with too much and bottling things up. I'm a very strong person and sometimes this has worked against me in a way as I never stop and say right I've had enough or I need support or I need to rest or I need help. I think my brain and nervous system had taken so much of a bashing that its wires are crossed now and it can't function the way it should.

<div align="right">Originally posted by PanickyPolly - 07 November 2006 : 09:49:29</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">