View Full Version : My life's ruined

02-11-13, 08:24
My life's ruined and I don't want to be here nomore someone please help x

---------- Post added at 08:24 ---------- Previous post was at 07:14 ----------

I often think of suicide

02-11-13, 08:54
Hayley I have replied to your pm. Think about those around you who love you so much. Your gorgeous nephews and niece. What would they do without their Auntie Hayley? Spend time having fun with them this weekend to take your mind off the bad things. You really need to look at the root of your problem which is your job. If it is making you so ill you need to leave speak to your parents about it. Xx

02-11-13, 09:30
Aww hayley you know I said about going to see your gp love you need to get some help pm whenever you need to xx

02-11-13, 12:26
I hope you are getting some support and help.

You may not believe at the moment but this feeling will pass:hugs:

02-11-13, 13:27
Yes i know exactly what you mean really i do. Like someone says though sometimes things get better. Most of the time things just get worse or stay the same it's like being in a limbo. But i hope things get better for you, sometimes they do.

02-11-13, 14:07
All I think about is wanting it all to end. X

02-11-13, 14:13
It will end Hayley, there is always light at the end of a tunnel. Don't give up hope sweetheart you CAN get through this but it may mean you have to make some changes in your life. Where you work is not helping you at all. Is there any way you can leave this job?
Go to see your doctor next week and tell him how bad you are feeling. You have a lovely family there who care a lot about you Hayley, you can get through this.

02-11-13, 14:28
My family stressing me out today x

---------- Post added at 14:28 ---------- Previous post was at 14:23 ----------

I've really had enough x

02-11-13, 14:28
Hello Hayley :)

I'm so sorry that you're feeling so bad, I've been there and understand exactly how you're feeling.

Hun, your life is not ruined, you're having a rough time right now, but things will get better and you will get better too :)

Hun, please believe me when I say that you don't really want to die, nobody ever does, what you want is relief from the pain and distress that you are feeling right now, suicide is NOT the answer, it NEVER is, it is a permanent solution to a temporary problem hun.

Please go and get yourself help NOW if you really are feeling like you want to take your own life hun, you need help and you need to be kept safe until these feeling pass, and they will pass, I know, because mine did.

Please reach out for the help that you need right now hun. We're all here to listen to you, support you, comfort you and understand you, but we cant give you all of the help that you need on here hun, we will, of course, be here for you for whenever you want to talk, but it really is vital that you get medical assistance hun.

You are suffering from depression and depression also tells us lies very much like anxiety and panic does. It is the depression that is making you think this way, it's not really you hun and this is why you need help NOW, in order that you can be given the correct medication for you, and that you are kept safe until this period of time passes.

This WILL pass and you Will feel better hun, please believe that :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

02-11-13, 14:28
It is just because you are so low today Hayley. What do you have planned for tonight and tomorrow? Plan something nice to do that you will enjoy. How about watching a comedy movie tonight?