View Full Version : Depression

02-11-13, 15:00
Have you ever noticed how people always say it will get better, things will pass, yet one day just rolls into the next and then one year rolls into the next etc, and before you know it your a walking breathing cliche. Everyone is different so recovery times vary from person to person.

I sometimes find it patronizing when people say it will get better, They can't know that, no one can.

But if there is one thing i have found out in this cruel cruel world it's this,,,,,I believe in me!!! and that's all the belief i need to counteract how cruel life can be. Believe in yourself and it will all fall into place.

02-11-13, 21:59
Very true, I dislike cliche's that people say because often they are just to make you feel better, don't get me wrong sometimes we need to hear it and sometimes there is a grain of truth behind some of them but others are absolute ********.

Self belief is very important, I am only recently rediscovering that.

03-11-13, 16:06
Yes it's sad to say but there are not that many people in the big wide world that care anymore. Caring and thought towards others have been taken over by greed and want. Sometimes it's best to find and cling onto what's closest to your own heart, it gives a person something to concentrate on, not only that it helps to keep a balanced mind.

08-11-13, 08:50
I'm finding that the more I accept my mental health issues the happier I am with myself. The less I push them away, and the more I nurture them, the easier life is. I have spent decades pushing part of me away, covering it up, feeling shame, of part of me.

This time I will be proud of all of me. It doesn't need to get "better" I just need to love all of who I am. Does this make any sense?

14-11-13, 20:50
Yes it makes perfect sense to me, beats fantasies and people saying that famous line "It will all get better soon". Like you i would rather face reality than an illusion.

Your right just love who you are.