View Full Version : eye/socket and head pains.

02-11-13, 18:24
Okay I've had ongoing pain in the rightside of my head and my right eye, especially the socket and brow bone which is tender to touch. Im totally convinced this is an aneurysm, but I wondered if anyone else has had similar issues and been okay?
Im trying really hard.with.my.anxiety.but the pain has suddenly come back :(

02-11-13, 18:27
Hi Roxy, did you talk to Open Minds this week about getting some help with your anxiety?

02-11-13, 18:30
Yes I did I have an appointment in 2 weeks. I've had 2 pain free days and have felt fantastic, now they're back woth a vengence

02-11-13, 18:36
That's brilliant, I really hope that they will help you :)

You've had the pain behind your eye before right? And it went away? It might just be a tension headache. Have you taken any painkillers to help it go away? Did you eat & drink enough today (can contribute to a headache)?

02-11-13, 18:42
Yes it went away for two days. These were fab.days I felt mormal again, except last night I had a bad headache its.eased but still there. I guess its the eye pain that worriws me. 2 months ago a doctor looked at the back and said they were perfect but I guess a lot can happen in 2 months

02-11-13, 18:44
Do you think it could be migraine? Pain behind the eye is often associated with migraine.

02-11-13, 18:48
I'm not sure. Its not a bad pain at all very very mild actually, its the.level of pain that bothers me its whats causing it taht bothers me x

02-11-13, 18:54
Well, migraine pain doesn't always have to be bad, some migraine doesn't even involve a headache at all.

If your doctor has checked it out then I would try not to worry. Take some painkillers and do something that will relax and distract you :)

02-11-13, 19:30
I.havent had my eye pain checked out, they checked my eyes for an extremely severe headache I had with no eye pain. I just keep getting fobbed off with paracetamol that.doesn't work :(

02-11-13, 19:56
Well maybe it's worth asking your doctor to check it out for you? Especially if it's something that reoccurs and is causing you trouble.

14-05-19, 16:17
I know this is an old thread but I'm having the same symptoms with my right side - headache, neck/shoulder pain, and my eye feels strange at times. Almost like there's tension all around my eye or eye pressure. Did yours go away eventually? Because I'm almost at my wits end here.