View Full Version : Constant worry and cancer.

03-11-06, 16:03
Hi all.[:X]
I have convinced myself that I will die soon due to cancer.
Arrived at this thought because of all the years of worrying,anger and bitterness,which manifested as depression,I think.
This may seem very extreme and I apologise to any cancer sufferers.:(
So sorry about this.
I must seem like a freak.

Love xFlyx

03-11-06, 16:26
i dont think you are a freak!!!
we all has anxiety sufferers worry,some of us have health anxiety,and we too worry about illnessess
don,t be too hard on yourself.are you on any meds at the mo?
take care
rachel x

03-11-06, 16:34
hi, perhaps you could share with us what is making you angry, bitter and worry so much. lorraine.

03-11-06, 16:47
Hi Fly,

You are not a freak, please don't say that, you will find that the people who suffer with health anxiety will know just how you feel. When you suffer health anxiety the first thing your mind thinks of it the worse and most illnesses thought of is life threatening.

Because you have had years of worring, anger and bitterness, it does not mean you will get cancer.

My heart goes out to you hun, are you getting any help and support at home, eg therapist, family friends?

Perhaps, if you share what make you sooo angery, we may be able to help. Sometimes just writing things down helps too.

You take care

( HUGS )


03-11-06, 16:55
Hi,thanks for understanding.[:X]
I feel guilty thinking like that when I see people with it,fighting for survival.
What makes me angry and bitter is I feel like Im a waste,
could have done so much with my life.
I look at the positive aspects of my personality and feel frustration that I cant shake off my disorders.
Also I have always been a good caring person but I have been through so much trauma,caused by others.
Boy does it hold me back.
I want to be free.
Yes,Im on valium.
Tried some old anti depressant last month but it made me physically ill,so I told doctor there was no way,I would take anymore.
Currently taking St johns wort again,although my doctor seemed to think it was a dangerous herb.
Im tired of being a victim and I want to move far away and start anew but guess what,my anxiety is stopping me.[Sigh...]

Love xFlyx

03-11-06, 16:57
Hi Fly not at all, I have been 100% sure that I have had cancer and other bad illnesses in the past and sure IO was going to die. I had to have eye surgery 2 years ago and then I was 100% sure I would die. And even now with my bad long term cough and aches and pains are thinking it yet again, we never learn? dont worry what you have is really comon in health anxiety. Take care. Vernon

03-11-06, 17:41

I suffer from health anxiety and my main concearn is also cancer, so your not alone.


03-11-06, 18:12
I think you feel overwhelmed with it all, and who can blame you. Try to stay positive though and maybe you will be able to cope with small changes - tiny steps that make each day a little bit better for you.

There's loads of support on here, and you've already taken a big step towards freedom by posting on here. Things can only get better :)

By the way, I can emphasise too, my biggest fear is cancer. Even when I don't have any symptoms, it still comes back to me. I'm sure there must be a way to move on from this and I'm determined to find it.

I was told that St Johns Wort has it's place but shouldn't be abused - there is lots of bad press about it but it has certainly been proven to help a lot of people. I think people assume because it is a herb it is "safe" to use; however it is obviously very powerful and you need to keep within recommended doses. Like anything we take, it has to be processed by the liver and I believe there was some bad press about this. But it's got to be kinder to the body than chemicals (anti depressants) and it doesn't have the side effects!

Personally I'd recommend it, I took it for a good 6 months and have only recently weaned myself gradually off it. I was told that by this time, it would have done all it could do for me, and I must admit I feel no different now for stopping it. It helped get me through a bad time and although I'm not back to "normal", I'm way better than when I started taking it!

Stay positive, one day you WILL get to where you want to be in life. Tackle one thing at a time and don't be hard on yourself.
