View Full Version : need some advice

02-11-13, 20:21
hi im 35 and married with 3 boys and been going through a really tough time with depression and anxiety, have been on a fed different antidepressants but noyhing seems to work ,i am on velaflax xl 150 mg a day and find myself getting worse i know it takes time but 9 weeks in now and still not found the light , has anyone been on these and will my life ever get better? i alsp take diazepram and propananol.i feel i am loosing the battle and am very scared and worried about myself all the time and dont want to see my boys without a daddy .

02-11-13, 21:30

I am sorry you are feeling so low at this time. Have you been back to your GP since you started taking Meds. It may help to ask for some counselling to go along side your meds.
I could not tolerate Venlafaxine but others on NMP take it and say it is very good.

Sending you good vibes:hugs:

02-11-13, 21:44
i am going back on friday to see doctor about it and been put forward for counseling but such a long waiting list it may take months to be seen , dont know how much more i can take of this , what are you on now if you dont mind me asking x

02-11-13, 22:32

I fully sympathise with how you're feeling and I know that it is incredibly hard to feel like you do when nothing seems to be helping, especially when you've got family relying on you.

First, try to have faith that you will get better. Honestly, I've been in some terrible places and always come out the other side. It takes a lot of determination to push yourself to do things when it's the last thing you feel like doing but that's the only way to improve. When you feel like sitting at home and can't face doing anything, you have to do it anyway. Keep pushing yourself - you can do it! This is probably the best advice I can give you.

Regarding your meds, I take venlafaxine and I've found it a lifesaver. It took about 3 months to take full effect but it has worked wonders for me. I also take propranolol when needed to help with the physical symptoms and it really helps. Of course, we're all different and what works for me may not work for you. I think you're right to go back and discuss this with your GP but you might want to give the meds a few more weeks.

Keep posting on here too, it's helped me no end to discuss my anxiety with people who really understand.

Take care


03-11-13, 16:21
Thanks for your advise it just seems like I will never get there and I know it takes time but I feel this med is wrong for me and think its time to start something else , I was on citalipram 20 mg and was doing ok but think I ran b4 I started to walk and had a relaps , panicked and got pills changed to early , I have thought about self sectioning myself but not sure if it's right for me and just feel so scared , every one keeps telling me it does get better but just can't see it , every day is hard and still working at moment but not sure how long I can keep going for , my wife has been great and my kids are young and don't understand what I'm going through .

03-11-13, 20:12
If the citalopram was working for you why don't you speak with your GP about switching back? I understand your annoyance at the waiting lists, its frustrating but we have to take some responsibility over our own journey also. You sound like a very lucky man, you have healthy children and an understanding partner, that's more than a lot of people :) you need to just take each day at a time, be grateful for the things you have, try and focus on them as a way to get through the day. I have often thought about self sectioning in my dark times.... seems like the easy option, however then how would your wife and children feel? you are not alone in this you are a unit and need to make decisions that are best for you all, children no matter how young pick up on your feelings and will sense daddy's changes in emotion. when I get these days/weeks/months I make a list of my problems (or perceived problems as is sometimes my case /:) then I sort them into ones that are easily solved and work my way up.... confidence grows as you work through this process... I hope this helps a little?