View Full Version : terrible health anxiety. please help.

02-11-13, 22:10
Hello everyone. New here, discovered this while googling symptoms of somethinf that was happening to me at that moment. Insane, I know.
I am a 29 yo female suffering from terrible health anxiety. Currently my back hurts between my shoulder blades. My sternum is sore. I have terrible reflux. Or an ulcer. Who knows. All of these symptoms so of course I google. I have esophageal cancer, then its a heart attack. Then its a liver disease. I cant help these thoughts, im petrified to go to the doctor afraid hell confirm my fears. Does anxiety cause anyone else actual physical symptoms? Is anyone else hypersensitive to pain in their bodies.
Sometimes I think this is worse than being sick. Its ruining my life.
This all began 6 yrs ago when I began working in the health field. I am in nursing school now ajd im afraid further knowledge will ruin my life. My career will drive me insane.
See how much I worry!!:unsure:

02-11-13, 22:27
Well first of all welcome to NMP :)

Now - are you being treated for your anxiety? If not you need to be. And even if you are I'd still say you need to go back to your doctor and discuss whether you need more support. To me it sounds as though you do.

Next - you know that your anxiety is the cause. You know that you can't possibly have so many deadly diseases at the same time, that's just ridiculous. And probably worthy of an entry in a medical journal :D

So saying ... time to take a step outside yourself and look at where you're going - nowhere good. I think you already know that though. You haven't got liver disease (and etc) you have anxiety disorder. Deal with that instead of exhausting yourself About stuff you don't have.

And have a big :hugs: ... We're all going through similar journeys on the site so we're pretty understanding of what you're going through.

02-11-13, 22:32
Haha thank you! Its funny how other people can put everything into perspective for you! I do need to see a dr. Asap. And notify him of my craziness when it comes to these things. I tend to freak out badly after feeling something funny...then googling it. I go from ok to insane for an entire week in a matter of seconds.
Youre right...I more than likely do not have liver disease, heart disease, stomach ulcers and esophageal cancer. Id be pretty unfortunate huh! :roflmao:

02-11-13, 22:36
I'm glad that something I have said has made sense. As long as you keep in mind that the thing that you're ill with is the anxiety, you're on the right track to beating the anxiety beast :yesyes: