View Full Version : How to cope

03-11-06, 16:08
Hello everyone. I posted on a few days ago and you were all kind enough to reply to me. I just seem to be working myself up at the moment. I'm moving house in three weeks time and should be over the moon - well i am in a way, as we're moving to the coast - but I just feel like i'm overloaded with anxiety. As i mentioned before, i suffer with intrusive thoughts although since my last post, these haven't been bothering me quite so much (also good to know i'm not the only one in teh world who suffers with them and it's related to anxiety, not madness!). However, i don't know if anyone else gets this but i get breathing difficulties - like i breathe in and it's just not enough so i yawn to get enough breath. But i'm breathing so much that i start feeling light headed and panicky. When I'm anxious i have this breathing thing constantly. My husband tries to talk to me about stuff we need to do and sort out for moving and by the time i get home from work my brain is so overloaded that I can't listen - it's like my head's going to explode if i have to think any more. I feel bad, 'cause i know it all needs doing but I'm just so anxiety ridden that i can't. I'm finding getting my son to nursery and going to work just a huge thing at the moment, whereas normally it's just everyday life. I can't concentrate at work (i'm at work now). If i leave the house in a mess it's like a lead weight on my mind all day because it's not tidy. I'm worrying about everything, ie, things i've said, things people say to me etc. I'm putting it down to moving home but just feel like i can't take much more of feeling like this. My counsellor is back from holiday next week so hopefully i'll make an appointment to see him.

Sorry to go on, just fed up x

03-11-06, 17:02
Hi, Vix. I completely understand... you worry your hurt or angered someone, that you've forgotten something, etc. And I tend to breathe shallowly when I am anxious. Have you tried yoga? I've found it to be VERY helpful.

Good luck to you!

03-11-06, 17:09
Yoga's a great idea actually. I do kickboxing, which is kind of the complete opposite to Yoga and i do find it a great stress relief but yoga always sounds really calming. I might find out about that. Thanks. Vix x

03-11-06, 19:58
Hi Vix

You could take a look at these posts they may help with your breathing:

Breathing technique
How Do You Do The Breathing (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4042)
Breathing.. wow (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4037)
Breathing Techniques (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4044)
CONTROLLED BREATHING (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5041)
Working to get better, have a few Q's to ask... (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5412)
Insatiable Mouth / Chest Breather???? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7113)



03-11-06, 23:58
Hi there,you may feel a bit better when you have moved and settled in.I live on the south coast,lovely it is to.I yawn alot when Im anxious,because of my breathing.Hopefully things will pick up for you soon.;)

Ellen XX