View Full Version : Hi there

03-11-13, 00:36
Hey guys and gals,
just a quick hello. Been having a hard time last 6 weeks since trying to come off of seroxat again. Been on it since 1994 and had 2 failed w/d attempts (1999 and 2007/8. Got down to 4mg this time and thats when things got bad.. Jumped back up to 6mg and things got worse. Been trying to ride it out but its been hard. Doc wanted to cross taper me onto citalopram. I resisted but started on tuesday, its been awful. Friday to saturday i had a 6 hr panic attack where all i could do was lie down ,burp and over breath. Had decided to stop the citalopram that day due to tinnitus (common citalopram side effect). Finding it hard to sleep as it is without ear ringing. So now i'm suffering from original probs and now probs due to the citalopram. I was warned it might be hard but i was hoping it would make me sleepy and relaxed like seroxat did before. Made me feel awful / spaced and more agitated. Just really want to be able to sleep again.. Have Had bad insomnia for 6 weeks. used to sleep for 12hrs on 20mg seroxat. One of the reasons i wanted to come off in the 1st place. That and lack of energy. Now i would bite your hand off to feel like i did. At least i can distinguish the citalopram start up effects from my normal. Sitting here and feel spaced, tinnitus and burning hands. Anyone in the glasgow area looking for a panic buddy let me know..

best k

03-11-13, 08:30
Hey there, welcome to the site :welcome:

All being well you'll find that you're among people that understand what you're going through and that will give you the strength to try and find the light at the end of your tunnel. We're all striving for the same on NMP

03-11-13, 16:37
ty andria

04-11-13, 09:53
:welcome:there is lots of help and support here

04-11-13, 11:23
Hi welcome.

04-11-13, 12:26
Welcome to the site. It will get better. I'm just starting my 3rd week of citalopram. The 2nd week was definitely better than the first. You've come to a place where there's lots of support and understanding.

Daisy Sue
04-11-13, 12:38
Hi Verv, welcome to the forum :)

04-11-13, 15:02
ty everyone,
was at doctors today and she was very nice. wants me to try mirtazipine at night to aid in sleep and she even gave me 7 zopiclone. so basically i will be taking 6mg seroxat and 7.5mg of mirtazipine and hoping for the best. if i sleep i will be half way there. As everyone knows things are 10x worse when sleep deprived. Plan is to get stable on the mirt and then resume the seroxat taper. Im fine with being sleepy and drowsy. the citalopram made me more agitated and less sleepy which in turn made the anxiety / panic unbearable.

best k