View Full Version : help please.

03-11-06, 16:37
Hey guys--
I've been attempting to break an addiction from xanax, and recently recieved advice that I should break the tablet apart, and then put it under my tongue to allow it dissolve and work faster. I've done this twice, and it seems to be working, but my sister told me yesterday that she thinks there's warnings against doing so. I wouldn't see why there would be, but I just wanted to see if anyone had any idea.


03-11-06, 17:07
Hi Whitney :D

I an NOT a gp, but I have heard that it can be dangerous breaking your meds up like this. Some meds are made so they have a slow release into your body, by you breaking the med up it gives a quick relase which can be dangoerous.

I would say, go back to your GP, ask him/her, what you should be doing.

It must be sooo hard for you right now, trying to break your adiction, but I do think you need the advice of a GP to do this.

Hope this helps

GOOD LUCK, you can do it.



03-11-06, 22:58
hi whitney not sure if this is the same your talking about but im coming off citalopram and doct told me to break my tablet in half which i have been doing for 2 weeks and been ok with this ,but i just swallow and dont put it under my tongue.tc tracy

05-11-06, 13:19
Usually we are advised not to break tablets because they work on slow release. But I was advised by my GP to start on low dose of seroxat. The lowest med was 20mg so she said to break in half and take half a tablet a day, so you should be ok. Don't know about putting it under your tongue though.

I should check with your GP, or maybe the pharmacist could help. Sometimes you can phone doctors for advice instead of making an appointment. Its best to make sure, and it will reassure you too.:)


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

05-11-06, 21:43
Hi Whitney
You really should go to your doc and not cut back on xanax on your own.
I know what you are going thru as I was on it for almost 5 years and had a heck of a time getting off of it myself.
The doc will have you cut your pills up but there is a specific way that they cut it back so it's not a good idea to go it on your own.