View Full Version : Have I been misdiagnosed?

03-11-13, 09:41
Hey all

Recently I was diagnosed with OCD as I was going crazy with intrusive thoughts and then having some serious anxiety.

I might walk down the street and randomly imagine me doing something shameful, I.e sexual, revealing genitials or even me doing something disturbing to an animal.

Today and recently I have these thoughts and freak out thinking I have actually done them and the doubt and anxiety stays with me for hours.

I know I would never act on these thoughts but not sure why im doubting wether or not I have done what I just imagined. I sometimes even turn around to see what I have just imagined isn't actually their, I.e I might imagine a disturbing thought involving an animal and me doing something to it
I tense up and look around to reassure myself it's all in my head but even when I look around and see no animal the doubt continues and I start to think what would happen if someone saw me doing what I imagined.

Any help?

03-11-13, 13:55
Classic OCD, definitely. People often wonder if they have done something, someone I know keeps thinking she has cheated on her boyfriend but she clearly hasn't.
OCD is often about sexual things because that is what causes you most mental distress.

03-11-13, 15:38
Any suggestions or exercises I can do to help control it? I will be starting CBT next week but want to try something today....I heard assigning yourself 10 minutes a day to freak out and let it all out...any recommendations?


03-11-13, 16:26
Did you see a programme on channel 4 this week called Bedlam? There were a couple of OCD sufferers on who had quite severe intrusive thoughts. If you didn't, it would be worth watching it on catch up as it gave an quite a good understanding of what causes the thoughts and showed the treatment they got during in-patient care.
