View Full Version : Does anyone else have fear of toothache

03-11-13, 10:10
Im not sure I have seen any thing posted about this before. Fear of dentists but not toothache. Im not scared of the dentist but I have this over riding fear of getting a toothache. Its starting to become an obsession. It causes me so much anxiety its untrue. As soon as I wake up its the first thing I think of and then the rest of the day Im worrying that my teeth are aching or wincing. I have got sensitive teeth so every little twinge sends me over the top with anxiety. I just dont know what to do about it. I go regularly to the dentist, clean my teeth and use a mouth wash etc, I just cannot shake off this fear. I just wondered if anyone else feels like this and if so how do you cope with it.:)

03-11-13, 11:19
I haven't heard of toothache obsession more a fear of the dentist or the injection, but you still go to the dentist for checks etc so it's definitely not a fear of the dentist so is it do you think that if you do get a toothache it might mean a cavity has formed you may need a filling or a Root canal treatment ?? Are you afraid of any of these having to be performed?
What goes through your mind if you was to suddenly develop a massive toothache?
Sorry not to helpful but I'm trying to understand what the fear is as you are saying you have no problem actually visiting your dentist!!

03-11-13, 12:47
Yeah it seems bizarre to me. I am just terrified of the pain of a toothache. Especially at a weekend when I cannot see my dentist. I have heard so many people relay the agony of toothache and nothing helps it, Im just petrified. I try to rationalise it and tell myself I will just have to deal with it when and if it happens but I just cant put it in to perspective. I get so cross with myself as I feel I am being totally stupid. It has got so bad I have even considered having all my teeth out so the fear will go.

03-11-13, 13:01
Nope, and that despite being butchered five years ago. I'm dental phobic, as a result of the aforementioned, but having toothache just makes me want to deal with it.

Re root canal - I wouldn't have one for all the tea in china. I'd lose the tooth first. I just don't like the way they're done, or the fact that way too many people (that I know) have had one, endured further treatments post root canal, and then lost the damn tooth anyway.

Instead of worrying about tooth problems, try focusing on why you worry about your teeth. That's the way forward :)

03-11-13, 14:41
Dizzydaisy ok so it's the fact that if you was to develop a toothache say at the weekend and you couldn't see your dentist you would worry! ok if you do get a toothache you can manage the pain with paracetamol or get a slice of garlic and rest it on the gum nearest to the tooth that hurts,it will subside then you can make an app. With dentist say on the Monday morning, if the pain was so unbearable and nothing is working you can always visit the hospital to see an out of hours dentist, there is always someone around to help wether it's weekend or not so don't worry any dental pain will be treated and nothing will happen to you or your tooth at the worst you may lose a tooth but there are fabulous options for replacing the tooth! I hope this helps you a little as you are not sure of the real fear but I would say its more of a safety thing the knowing that if you was to get toothache at the weekend you wouldn't be able to rush to your dentist, but as I said there are always dentists out of hours to treat emergencies, 9 out of 10 times toothache is tolerable with pain relievers until you can see your own dentist, I hope your ok !

11-04-20, 18:37
Hello dizzydaisy

I’m new to this site but I hope you don’t mind me contacting you? Before I go full blown in to my problem can you confirm you’re getting me message? 😂

11-04-20, 18:56
Hello dizzydaisy

I’m new to this site but I hope you don’t mind me contacting you? Before I go full blown in to my problem can you confirm you’re getting me message? 

She hasn't been on NMP for 5 years now.

12-04-20, 19:59
Recently, I've also developed a fear of getting toothache during the lockdown when it could be much harder to access emergency dental care. I had toothache a few years ago, on-and-off in one of my teeth, until I had the tooth extracted a year ago. So now I'm chewing on the other side of my mouth more so I'm concerned my bottom-left molar will wear down in the same way. I find Earthmum's reply (above) reassuring though. I have to remind myself that I was able to tolerate the toothache for several days in the past, even though it was unpleasant.