View Full Version : Can't take another day of this; deluding myself into thinking I'll be alright

Orange Lightning
03-11-13, 10:46
There's a lot I want to say, but I haven't got much time to type so I have to keep this short and sweet. I'm been suffering from symptoms of LPR reflux over a year now. Medications and lifestyle changes and anxiety treatments have done absolutely nothing. I still continue to suffer every day and I have lost the majority of my quality of life. There is the potential for surgery that could help me but I can 't ever hope to afford it, and I'm being denied it on the NHS etc.

Throughout this whole time I've been desperately trying to find something that I have is caused by anxiety. However all of my searches even on this form suggests that my problems are very real. These horrible symptoms have taken jobs, relationships, all possible means of enjoying my life. They are there from the moment I wake up.

I can take another day of this. I'm deluding myself into thinking things will get better. If there is any deity watching us, why has he cruelly chosen me to suffer like this, when there are people is so much more worse than me. What on earth can I do?

Sorry to ramble, but this has once again gotten to me...

11-11-13, 17:03
I know very little about this illness, and I don't wish to patronise you at all, so I hope that you won't think I'm doing so, but I think my friend was going through something mildly similar that could have potentially been caused by anxiety. I was just wondering, if you did have any kind of hunch that it could be anxiety related, would it be worth booking onto counselling or something like that? If you were to try and deal with any potential anxiety then you could potentially see improvements if the two were related?

Orange Lightning
13-11-13, 17:08
I know very little about this illness, and I don't wish to patronise you at all, so I hope that you won't think I'm doing so, but I think my friend was going through something mildly similar that could have potentially been caused by anxiety. I was just wondering, if you did have any kind of hunch that it could be anxiety related, would it be worth booking onto counselling or something like that? If you were to try and deal with any potential anxiety then you could potentially see improvements if the two were related?

Yeah, I've been trying to get CBT, hypnotherapy, one-to-one counselling and I've even followed Anxiety Centre's paid membership guide. Nothing works; the symptoms arguably get BETTER when I get stressed out, so I know how I feel when I feel stressed for real. Furthermore the symptoms tie in with whenever I eat or drink; they only subside a little when I don't eat at all. I'd love to think it's anxiety through and through, but I've actually been told I'm mad for thinking such things I'm afraid. ;(