View Full Version : A little hope?

03-11-13, 11:22
Hi there, I just thought I would pop by and introduce myself! I'm Amanda from the Uk and have been suffering from a severe panic disorder for 18 months.
As I'm sure you're all aware that when suffering from such a debilitating illness you start to lose and bore many friends who simply cannot understand or comprehend the illness.
Well...I really am struggling at the mo.. And after a google search I stumbled across this site.
I,m not expecting an overnight miracle, nor a quick cure. However it would be really nice to meet some like minded individuals who are in the same boat :)and perhaps give me a little hope.

03-11-13, 15:26
Hi Amanda,

Welcome! You have come to the right place. Plenty of understanding here, and support too :)


03-11-13, 16:16
Hey Amanda, welcome to NMP :welcome:

I'm sure that you're going to find just how helpful it is to be among like-minded people. Many of us are in the same boat, so all being well you'll slowly find your way back to wellness :)

03-11-13, 16:47
Plenty of advice and support on here Amanda, you came to a good place.

03-11-13, 16:49
Hi Amanda,
I feel the same as you. I try not to talk about it with most of my friends and family as they have no idea what it feels like. Before I had my first panic attack I was the same though - I had no idea what it was like to suffer from anxiety or panic attacks - I would go so far as to say I thought people who did were not as strong as me - and then it happened to me and life has never been the same. It's has made me much more understanding of anyone with mental illness. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy but I am determined to beat it and never give up hope that one day I will ( even though I am struggling at the moment and feel rubbish most days)
I am sure you will find the site really useful. I have found reassurance in the advice especially when another strange symptom of anxiety that I haven't had before comes along and spooks me!

03-11-13, 16:51
Amanda, glad that you found this place. It's a wonderful sight with lots of support. It's great to be amongst people who understand.

03-11-13, 18:16
Hi Amanda. I'm new to the site too and am suffering with panic disorder. Mine has only been for a short spell, and I cannot imagine what it's been like with 18 months of this condition. I am now on beta-blockers and waiting for my first CBT appointment to come through.
This is only my second "post", but it is comforting to read others stories and words of support.

Kathy :)