View Full Version : Have HA? That's what you're ill with

03-11-13, 12:13
I felt the need to write this, given A) the popularity of this sub-forum and B) because of something someone shared with me and it inspired me to share my thoughts on HA.

HA sufferers exhaust themselves beyond measure searching for answers to illnesses they don't have and yet continuously ignore the one illness that they know that they have - anxiety disorder.

We all talk the talk, we're all going to try X or Y but in the meantime we continue to explore every nook and cranny of our bodies looking for something that's going to kill us off. The irony in all this is the fact that we already have an illness and yet we spend less time on dealing with that because we're so preoccupied with deadly illnesses we imagine that we've got.

Ridiculous, right?

But isn't that the nature of the beast? It's the anxiety itself that causes us to behave/think irrationally. Yes it is. But it doesn't completely strip us of reason. It doesn't mean that we can no longer function as cognitive human beings.

And that's where we're going wrong. The anxiety takes precedence in the wrong way. Instead of focusing on healing ourselves, on healing the anxiety within, we instead focus on feeding the anxiety - and the vicious cycle begins.

I have it. However, I am determined that I'm going to get better. I cannot stand this constant bloody misery, the panic, the fear/s, the nightmare roundabout that I appear to have climbed upon. I want off, and I'm going to get off.

For the record my anxiety (health anxiety) revolves around crap. Literally. My friend died of bowel cancer. It was awful, and he was a great guy. Being unable to equate the whys and wherefores I slowly manifested the sneaking suspicion that I might one day get it.

Then I had a random rectal bleed. Spoke to a mutual friend and she remarked that that was how my now deceased friend had started, and that I should get checked out. Panic stations. DEFCON 1. Doom, gloom, the Apocalypse cometh. I'm not kidding.

Off to the doctors, floods of tears. She had a good poke around (oh yes she did, I wanted to bite a hole in the wall I was facing whilst she rummaged around), insisted I did full bloods to see if anything sneaky and nasty was lurking, the upshot being I'd got piles and that was the problem. However ...

... you know the scenario. I didn't care about the results. I didn't care what the doctor said. Every time (since) Ive had another bleed I've almost puked with fear. Evacuating the pipes slowly became mental torture. One year or more later I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder and of course I'm wallowing in fear and loathing like a hippo in a mud hole.

These days I try so damn hard not to worry about it and up until I need the bathroom, I'm fine. Then the nerves start to jangle. The irony? I have IBS and have since ... forever. My worst symptom since the anxiety disorder was diagnosed in September is the fact that when I panic I send a message to my bowels to dump whatever's in the system ASAP. It's awesome how fast I can self-enema, I'm not kidding.

I have a bleed, the adrenalin floods through my system quicker than a flooded aqueduct after a drought and the one thing I can't bear more than anything (pipe evac bathroom visits) is the one thing I simply cannot avoid.

So saying you can imagine what this does to my nerves, my ass and my mental floss.

The above is to give an insight into my little health obsession. To show that I do suffer with it and that yes, I find it debilitating. On the other hand I am dealing with my anxiety. I dislike talking to people about my issues, and I'm not particularly looking forward to divulging just how I got to be in this sorry mess in the first place.

But ... I will heal myself. I am on meds. I have a good doctor. I am very self-aware. I know what I want, and I know what I need to do to get better. And do it I will.

Please know that the best way to handle your health anxiety is to focus on that being the 'thing' that you deal with first and foremost.

Finally ... I don't want to come over as preachy. I know how bloody difficult it is to stay abreast, I really do. But the way for all of us to be better is to do more than tread water whilst looking for sharks - we need to swim back to shore.

And on that note, I hope all of you are having a positive start to your day :)

03-11-13, 12:37
Great post Andria, that must have been a tough one for you to write divulging how your HA affects you in such a personal way. I'm sorry that you go through this, and that you had to watch your friend die of a horrible illness.

But I think you have the right attitude for healing the anxiety since you recognise it for what it is and are working on it specifically instead of focusing on more tests etc. Youll get there, it just takes some time. :hugs:

A lot of people use this forum to continually get reassurance about their health, and even then they're not reassured and constantly post the same issues without ever really taking in what other posters say to them. It's something I've noticed with anxiety sufferers, and it's something I realise I've been guilty of myself - they don't want to listen, especially when listening means they will have to admit things about themselves and their lives, and that knowledge means that they will have to change. Change is never easy. It's often easier to stay in the anxiety cycle, although eventually you realise it's just not worth it.

Instead I feel that here we should be focusing on our health anxiety, how it manifests and ways to work through it, really helping each other along the way. There are lots of posters here with great advice and good knowledge of anxiety, we should be listening to each other.

My HA manifests a bit differently to others here. I have genuine health problems and I spend far too much time obsessing about them instead of trying to just live with them and let the fear go. I don't disbelieve my doctors or test results, but I used to find myself visiting them a lot for reassurance over every tiny thing. I'm doing a lot better on that front now and this year didn't visit my GP for a whole 6 months until I genuinely needed to see her. I used to get very anxious at the first sign of my health problems acting up, but I no longer do and try to go with the flow. Of course I still get anxious sometimes (I hate taking new drugs), and I have a long way to go, but I'm getting there, I've learned a lot about anxiety and I know what to do to help myself and get better :) I believe being proactive in your own recovery, in whatever small ways that you can, is very much key to getting better.

It's all easier said than done of course, and we all know what it's like to be in the grip of HA. But I think we'd do better in here if we really listened to each other and began to work on the issues underlying the HA, it's the only real way to get better.

Thanks again Andria, you brought up some issues that will be valuable for us all to consider :)

03-11-13, 12:46
Honey thank you very much.

I'm incredibly buoyed to hear that you're also figuring the most positive route for you to return to the metaphorical shore.

As for sharing my personal battle well ... I recently discovered how common bleeding piles/rectal bleeding is, and I'm not embarrassed to say that I suffer with it. That said I have (so far) managed to refrain from sharing it with people I bump into, you know, like "oh hey Andria, haven't seen you in a while, how are you doing?" ... "But for the fact my butt bleeds more than my vagina, I'm cool. You?" :roflmao:

Anyway ... here's hoping you continue in the right direction Honey. And that others read this and see the positives too. Thank you once again :flowers:

03-11-13, 13:34
Great post Andria. you are exactly right. we all need to deal with the HA. i have it bad right now but as soon as a i get a clean bill of health i forget about (for awhile) because I think i am cured. of course i am only cured until the next thing comes up and then i'm back on the bandwagon again. so the underlying problem never gets addressed because I can't address it while i'm in the "storm". so i have asked my husband and also a friend to hold me accountable this time - once this storm has passed i am going to seek some professional help to help me deal with this and to re-train my thought patterns so they are more in line with how people without HA think when they feel a pain, skipped heartbeat, lump/bump etc.

03-11-13, 13:58
Fantastic news Livethelife, really!

This is what we all need to do. We overlook the actual illness, instead we focus on imagined ones. When I think about the anticipatory worry and fretting ... it's almost another form of madness :doh:

The more of us that recognise that HA is in itself an illness, the more of us will start to get better. At least that's the hope :yesyes:

03-11-13, 14:01
Awesome Post Andria! :)

03-11-13, 14:23
Andria, thanks so much for the amazing post. I needed to read that this morning. I, too, suffer from HA and have recently decided that I am going to win this war. Armageddon can just go find somewhere else to play. I have been the Queen of Google over the last few years, and have recently decided that is not something that I'm willing to continue to do.
I don't just have one main fear, other than the absolute. The fear of dying. I can take any symptom and swim with the proverbial sharks for hours on end. This morning I am concentrating on me. The positive things about me, the positive things about situations and the positive things about my future.
This morning was a great example. The time changed here in the U.S. And I slept for 10 1/2 hours last night. I never do that. I woke up with a massive headache and feeling like I was in a fog. My mind immediately went to doom, as in "something must be horribly wrong with me". As I started to fret about it, I took out my morning journal and wrote for 30 minutes, reminding myself of everything that was normal about this situation. I wrote of all the positive things that I did yesterday and everything that I had accomplished.
Then I came to this site, and read your post. What a blessing this morning. I am getting ready to spend 30 minutes working on a CBT course that I am doing online.
Headed for the shore!

03-11-13, 14:24
Great post Andria,

made me laugh out loud!...and all very true:)


03-11-13, 14:39
Awesome Post Andria! :)

Well I got to thinking last night (UK last night of course *nods*) about some stuff and, having been a bit gob smacked I figured it out. And wanted to share my perspective. I think I was cusping anyway but you know ... I got a bit of a shove. Thank you :D

Tanner - I fear death. I suppose no one welcomes it, though most people appear to accept that it's a part of life. Well I don't seem to have that skill. I must have been messing about in the pre-life jostle, and forgot to collect that ticket. I was probably talking crap to a random soul that I'd never seen before. I still do that now ... :huh:

I get around it by pretending I don't care. My intention is, one day, to embrace that it is a part of life and that really, it's not as scary as it seems. I was dead a long time before I was born, you know? Anyway - good for you and your attitude. Let us know how the CBT works. I've yet to start mine - and thank you :)

Sarah - thank ye verra much :yesyes:

03-11-13, 14:54
Brilliant post! Thanks for sharing it. X

03-11-13, 15:04
"oh hey Andria, haven't seen you in a while, how are you doing?" ... "But for the fact my butt bleeds more than my vagina, I'm cool. You?" :roflmao:

I nearly spit my coffee all over my keyboard with that one! ~LOL~

03-11-13, 15:08
Ahhhh lol someone spotted it lol :)

That particular sentence is an example of how my mind works. I err on the side of tomfoolery for the most part. And I am a writer by nature so taking the mental floss and transcribing it is pretty easy :D

---------- Post added at 15:08 ---------- Previous post was at 15:07 ----------

Oh hey Jilly - thank you :)

Fen Dave
03-11-13, 15:35
Superb post, helped a lot, thanks.

03-11-13, 15:55
Hey there Dave - you look new to NMP, welcome :welcome: and thank you very much :)

03-11-13, 18:04
Honey thank you very much.

I'm incredibly buoyed to hear that you're also figuring the most positive route for you to return to the metaphorical shore.

As for sharing my personal battle well ... I recently discovered how common bleeding piles/rectal bleeding is, and I'm not embarrassed to say that I suffer with it. That said I have (so far) managed to refrain from sharing it with people I bump into, you know, like "oh hey Andria, haven't seen you in a while, how are you doing?" ... "But for the fact my butt bleeds more than my vagina, I'm cool. You?" :roflmao:

Anyway ... here's hoping you continue in the right direction Honey. And that others read this and see the positives too. Thank you once again :flowers:

Oh my god you made me laugh!! It's probably TMI for your average person, but here on the health board we're more obsessed with our nether regions so you just fit right in lol!

03-11-13, 18:32
Honey I am one of those people that say things like the above. And yep, TMI for some folks *nods* But what's life if we can't be the way we were meant to be?

I'm horribly honest, and I do walk a little on the wild side (mentally) so it's to be expected that I'm going to utter something unmentionable now and then. And ... I sill get invited to everyone's gatherings and celebrations ... or maybe it's because I'm the free entertainment :roflmao:

04-11-13, 07:44
Just popped by to say that I slept well last nigh for the first time in weeks. A good 8 hours. Was that because I dropped this post, having figured it out, or simply because I was ready to have a good nights sleep? Who knows.

What I do know is that I remain inspired by a couple of folks on this site, one especially, and I will be forever grateful for the knowledge and experiences that they've shared via NMP.

Once again - stop looking for sharks and start swimming for the shore. Recovery from HA is within all of our reach :)

04-11-13, 09:46
Maybe you felt more peaceful & less anxious last night, a good sleep is so healing :)

I also slept better last night than in the last few weeks, was a blessing! I really needed it!

04-11-13, 12:17
Glad to hear that you got a good night sleep and are feeling beet, Andria.

04-11-13, 15:46
Honey to be honest it could have been anything. Whatever the reason, I sure enjoyed the full run. Normally manage a few hours in two separate shifts.

Tanner thank you. I think sleeping well makes a lot of things feel better :)

04-11-13, 17:28
Health anxiety can be a real pain in the ass at times...

04-11-13, 18:19
Brilliant Andria. Just bloody brilliant.

Everyone - print this out and put it in a place you can see it often (maybe near your computer so you can read it as you go to consult Dr Google.

04-11-13, 18:30
Skippy I think HA is a pain just about wherever it is you ask for tests doing :roflmao:

Kate - as I said I think we are like minded huh?! And thank you

05-11-13, 09:04
You're absolutely right Andria :)

05-11-13, 16:05
Skippy I had a twinge earlier. Being bored I had a little think about it. Then I remembered what's wrong with me ... :doh: